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I couldn’t believe my eyes. The back wall of the cabin had floor to ceiling windows that made it seem like we were right on the edge of the mountain. It was flawlessly decorated in a way that made it seem homey, but also tasteful and elegant.

“Owen, this is gorgeous.”

“Yeah, I heard the queen stayed here once.”

“You’re lying.”

“Yeah, I am. But it is nice, isn’t it?”

“It’s perfect.”

I stood on my toes to kiss him, and in an instant, he swept me up into his arms and carried me into the bedroom. It had become a tradition that whenever we were away from home without the girls, the first thing we did was ‘break in the bed,’ as Owen liked to call it.

A few days later,our families had joined us, and it was finally the day of the wedding. I didn’t sleep a wink the night before, but I think it was more out of excitement than out of nerves. Being back at the resort had somehow relaxed me. I knew that even if everything at the wedding went wrong, at least I would be going home married to the love of my life.

The hair and makeup artist arrived early that morning to get me and all of my bridesmaids ready for the day, including all of my nieces, and Laila and Cora, of course. They were more excited than anyone. Theyfinallygot to wear the dresses they had picked out months ago that had been waiting for them in their closets.

At five and seven years old, the two of them had some very strong opinions, and they were turning into thoughtful, intelligent, and strong young ladies. It pleased me immensely to know that I got to be part of their lives and see who they would grow up to be.

When everyone was finally ready, we made our way to the venue. We had put a lot of thought into where we wanted to get married within the boundaries of the resort. There were more than enough choices, and we ended up settling on a little gazebo near the river that ran along the edge of the nearby forest.

I had looked at practically every picture that existed of this place, but seeing it in real life was more than I hoped for. It felt like walking into a romance novel with all of the flowers, greenery, and the running water. It was a completely secluded spot that was private and intimate, perfect for the day I had imagined.

“Are you ready for this?” Sierra asked as we prepared to walk down the aisle.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself so I didn’t tumble on my walk to Owen.

“I think so.”

“It’s not too late to back out.”

“What?” I shouted.

“I’m just kidding; you know that. Owen is perfect for you. I’m so happy for the two of you.”

I tried to get my heart rate back to normal, and Sierra tried to keep from laughing at my overdramatic reaction.

The string quartet at the back of the venue changed their tune, and suddenly, it was time to begin. After my mom, the bridesmaids, and the flower girls made their way down the aisle, it was finally my turn. My hands were shaking and I was on the brink of tears, but as soon as I came around the corner and saw Owen, all of the nerves suddenly went away.

I began walking towards my best friend, my long white train dragging behind me, as I smiled at all of my loved ones who had come to support us. As I walked, I thought about all the years I had known Owen, all the memories we had made together, and all the amazing moments we had already made together.

I thought about the trees we climbed as kids. The hours we spent doing our homework together, riding our bikes in the street, and playing in the river in the summer. I thought about all the times that I was upset or down and only wanted to talk to him.

My memories jumped forward a long way when I thought about the day we reconnected at the airport. Somehow simultaneously just yesterday, and also a lifetime ago. We had become each other’s confidants, our support during good times and bad, and the most important people in each others lives.

As I reached the end of the aisle, I looked up at him and saw him wipe away a tear, and in that moment, I knew the best was yet to come.

