Page 46 of The Debt

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“Well, since your father isn’t here, I was wondering if you would allow me to walk you down the aisle?” His eyes crinkle slightly, his laughter lines more prominent; his face is full of, dare I say, hope.

“I don’t have any daughters, you see, and well, after what happened to you, I promised I would always look after you like my own. And you need someone who cares for you to walk you down the aisle.” His eyes never leave mine.

“I would love that, Harold. Very much.” I walk over to him and take his hands in mine, squeezing them gently.

“Oh good.” He clears his throat. “It’s time. Are you ready?”

I take a deep breath and smile at him. “Absolutely. Lead the way.”

I keep my right hand in Harold’s as he leads me out of the bedroom and down the hall. We come to a stop at the elevator. Once inside, we travel up to the roof terrace. As we walk outside, I am surrounded by hundreds of vases of varying sizes filled with roses. Every different color imaginable, and I’m reminded instantly of home. Along the ground there are rose petals covering a red carpet. As we walk around the corner, I look ahead and see my soon-to-be husband waiting for me at the end of the aisle, wearing the same tuxedo he wore the night we met. Thelma is waiting for me on my side of the aisle wearing a pretty, soft pink full-length gown. Between them, a kind-looking older man holding a tablet. He must be the celebrant.

Harold and I continue walking toward them until I am right in front of Alexander. I let go of Harold’s hand and immediately take hold of the man I love.

“Hello, sweetheart.” His voice both settles my nerves and sets me ablaze at the same time.

“Hello yourself, Alexander Black.”

“You look so incredibly beautiful,” he croons.

“Does it take you back to that night? The one where we first met?” I ask.

He smiles one of those beautiful smiles that lights up his entire face. “Every time I look at you, I thank my lucky stars you were there that night one year ago, and your parents gave you to me. The night I met you is one of the best of my entire life, Rebecca. This day will top it though.” He leans in closer, whispering in my ear, “And tonight will definitely be the best night of our entire lives.”

“You better deliver on that,” I whisper back to him.

He cups my slightly swollen belly, looking at me reverently. “It will be the best day of our entire lives until our child joins us, that I can promise you.”

“I’ll hold you to that too.” I smile back at him.

“Are you both ready?” the celebrant asks from behind us.

We turn to face him. “Ready,” Alexander says.

“I’m ready,” I say, squeezing Alexander’s hand.

Today I leave Miss Rebecca Kennedy behind and become Mrs. Rebecca Black, and I am ready, come what may.
