Page 12 of We Own the Stars

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I adjust my tie and swallow thickly, staring at the terminal screen between us. Luckily, the hotel’s café is empty, if a bit dark. Whoever thought blue lights in a café was a good idea should’ve been fired, but what do I know? I’m not from this planet.

I glare at my resume, those incriminating dates lingering in the air like they’re giving me the middle finger. There’s something uniquely demoralizing about having your whole work history floating in the air between you and your potential boss. Especially when that gap in your resume is because you were dishonorably ejected from your pro Terraball team.

“Um….” I pause and bite the inside of my cheek. How to approach this? Blatant honesty might work. Or it might get me kicked out of here faster than Aiken and I got bounced out of that strip club back on Mars because he thought he saw someone touch a woman inappropriately. Turns out it was just the lady’s boyfriend. We all make mistakes.

With each passing second of silence, Margot's eyes narrow further.

“It says you played center for the Toronto Reapers. What happened with that?”

This tie is too damn tight. What was I thinking, applying for this job? There’s no way anyone is going to want to hire me. Not after what happened. Not after everything that’s happened since.

“Mr. Melrose, if you can’t answer any of these questions, I’m afraid we’re wasting each other’s time here today,” Margot says, and presses the button on her terminal. My resume vanishes into thin air, and I exhale.

“You’re right,” I say, starting to push my chair back. Might as well pack it in. Aiken will at least be relieved to know he won’t have to look for a new partner.

But then Margot’s face scrunches up, like I’m a puzzle she can’t quite figure out.

“Wait,” she says. “You look familiar.”

I arch an eyebrow, and we stare at each other for a long, long moment.Oh, fuck. It’s that woman from last night. At the bar. It’s hoodie girl’s handler. Or kidnapper. Or whoever she’s supposed to be. With the terminal screen between us, I couldn’t see her clearly till now.

“Yeah. You look familiar too.” Why did I just say that? “Actually … we met. Last night. At the bar. You told me to fuck off.”

Margot’s lips part, her eyes widen, and for a second, I’m pretty sure she’s about to tell me to fuck off again. But then she says, “Holy shit. You are. Wait here just a second, please.”

Before I know what’s happening, she jumps out of her chair and makes a beeline for lobby. I watch with a slack jaw as she returns moments later with none other than the it girl of the moment, Aiken’s obsession, Kallista.

She’s a lot smaller in person, probably only five foot one, maybe even shorter than that. And she’s so, so thin. Is she okay? Like, really okay? Because she looks unwell.

Dark circles cling to the skin beneath Kallista’s eyes, and when she smiles, it’s performative. Not even the pretty purple hair that falls to her breasts can brighten up her appearance. Women in micro-dresses are always a good thing, in my opinion. But the dress Kallista is wearing right now doesn’t suit her, no matter how much it sparkles.

Initial impressions of the universe’s pop sensation? Not great.

“Hi,” she says so quietly I can barely hear her.

Margot scoffs at Kallista, then shuffles over in the booth, making room for her. “Sit,” she orders.

Kallista sits obediently and crosses one leg over the other.

“This is Xavian Melrose. Xavian, I’m sure she needs no introduction, but this is Kallista.”

I nod to Kallista, smiling politely. “Good to meet you, Kallista.”

“Likewise,” she murmurs. It may just be my imagination, but I swear the tips of her ears are getting redder with each passing moment. Nope, definitely not imagining it. Angry red splotches cover her cheeks, throat, and arms with alarming speed.

I knit my brows together. “Are you okay? You’re…. I think you might be having an allergic reaction.”

Surprisingly, Margot doesn’t seem at all bothered by the situation and waves her hand dismissively. “Oh, don’t worry about that. She breaks out in hives sometimes when she’s nervous.”

“They make medicine for that,” I say, unable to tear my gaze from Kallista’s splotchy arms. They look painful. “We can reschedule if you need to.”

Margot answers my suggestion with a scowl. “No. That won’t be necessary. Kallista, this is your new bodyguard. He’ll be starting immediately.”

Did I miss an important segue in the conversation, or did I just get randomly hired? This entire situation is completely bizarre, and I’m not sure if I should be thrilled or terrified.

Kallista frowns slightly, looking between me and Margot. “He was the first interview of the afternoon,” she says. “Are you serious right now?”

“As a heart attack,” Margot quips, then flashes me a sugary-sweet smile that makes my blood run cold. “You’re exactly what we’re looking for. I’m sending the paperwork over to your terminal address right now. We can fill it out together.”

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