Page 23 of We Own the Stars

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It’s at this point the other four start to get nervous. They exchange glances as they raise their rifles, finally realizing the threat that I am. But it’s too late for them. They never had a shot in hell. Not when I’m just getting warmed up.

I dance around their bodies, avoiding their tails as they lash them through the air, trying their best to knock me over. They fail miserably, and two of the dunderheads actually hit each other, instantly knocking both unconscious. I leap over their bodies and slide my blade into the back of final Denorran’s neck, killing him.

Then Kallista screams, and my blood runs cold. I whirl around just in time to see the general, still bleeding profusely, pulling her out from underneath the chair. I bolt across the floor and grab him by the back of his neck. He roars, and I yank. Hard.

He twists and rolls like an alligator in its death throes, and I aim the blade for the back of his neck. His entire body stiffens as he waits for the release of death. I don’t give it to him.

“Call off your men,” I growl in his ear hole. “All of them. Let us leave this place in one piece, and I won’t end your sorry excuse for a life right now.”

Kallista whimpers from underneath the chair. All I want to do is gather her into my arms and carry her out of here.

The general stares up at me, defiance burning in his eyes. For a moment, I think I’m going to actually have to kill the guy, which would make things really, really messy. Six Denorrans were hard enough to deal with. An entire asteroid full of them? We wouldn’t make it out alive. I know this. He knows this.

The general swallows and rasps, “Fine. Take her. But you’re not getting paid, you pieces of shit.”

Kallista scrambles out from beneath the chair, trembling violently. “I don’t want your money,” she hisses.

I can’t help but grin up at her. Damn, this woman’s got more fire than I thought. At first, I believed that she was some vapid little pop princess, but she’s got some bite to her.

I look back down at the general and narrow my eyes. “You try anything fucking stupid before we’re off this sorry husk you call home, and I’m coming back for you. That’s a promise.”

The general goes limp in my hands. There’s a decent chance he’ll bleed out before we get off Nocturne, anyway. One can hope, right?

I drop his body to the floor and stand up. Kallista attaches herself to my arm like velcro, and we walk out of the clubhouse to fetch Margot in the bar. When we find her, she’s cowering underneath a booth while two Denorran males circle the table. Predators sizing up their prey.

Kal races to the corner to get out of the way and hides behind one of the tacky sculptures. I fling one of my blades, and it whizzes through the air with a satisfying zing before connecting with the larger male’s eye. He lets out a panicked cry, falling to the ground. His buddy thrashes his tail and lunges for me, but I’m prepared. I move out of the way at the last second.. When the Denorran stumbles and falls to the ground, I thrust my other blade into his neck.

Margot crawls out from beneath the booth and immediately starts fixing her hair.

“Seriously?” I ask.

She scowls at me, then hurries over to where Kallista is hiding. The women cling to each other.

“All right, ladies. Party’s over. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Margot mutters as she falls into step beside me. “I think you might’ve been right. This wasn’t the right job for Kallista, after all.”

“Glad to hear you’re coming around to my way of thinking,” I say, and shoot her a wry grin.


The following week is a bit of a mess. Thanks to the shit show on Nocturne, my agent wants me to lie low outside of my tour performances and standard meet and greets. Early one morning, I wake up to the sound of Margot arguing with someone on her terminal. I roll over onto my side and grab my pillow to press against my ear.

“I know. I asked her to keep it down,” a familiar voice says beside me.

I inhale sharply, bolting upright in the bed. Xavian’s body comes into focus. I rub my eyes a few times just to make sure he’s really there and not a figment of my imagination.

“Who let you in?” I ask bluntly.

Xavian scoffs as he stretches in his chair like a cat, folding his arms behind his head. “Wow. Good morning to you, too, princess.”

My nose scrunches. “Don’t call me that. Seriously, why are you here? In my bedroom?”

When he smiles at me, my stomach twists in knots. It’s the same smile he gave me back at the birthday party, before all hell broke loose and I almost drowned. The same smile that made me realize he was probably not good to have around.

“I’m here because Margot asked me to be. And secondly, I’m here because I’m staying out of her way. She’s on a rampage this morning and I don’t want to piss her off by getting underfoot.”

I snort as I wrap my fluffy white blanket around my torso. Yes, I’m wearing pajamas, but I don’t have a bra on, and I don’t need him to see my nipples peeking through the fabric.
