Page 26 of We Own the Stars

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I step underneath the water and let the hot stream run down my scalp, neck, and shoulders. Soon, my thoughts start to drift. At first, all I can think about is the general and Kallista’s packed schedule. But then my mind starts to meander to other things. Salacious things I have no business entertaining.

I plant one palm on the wall and fist my length in the other. When was the last time I got off? Not since before I started this job. Too long, then.

My grip tightens around my shaft as I slide it up and down in slow, languid movements. The water drips off my tip and slides down toward the base of my knot, which pulses with fresh arousal as the image of Kallista’s shimmery, short dress pops into my mind. The soft, pink skin of her thighs looked so kissable the other night. So bitable. She’s always wearing something short and skimpy, though, and I’m not complaining.

A moan escapes my throat as my cock twitches in my fist. I clench my teeth. Thinking about Kallista this way is wrong. I can’t think about her pale thighs, or her rosy lips, or her natural hazel eyes. When they catch the sunlight, you can see flecks of gold and green in them. Beautiful, like a kaleidoscope of colors. So not my type. This woman is unlike any woman I’ve ever slept with in the past. She has no breasts to speak of, and she’s so frail and thin. Like a little bird. Definitely not what I’m usually attracted to. Not like Terran women, most of whom could crush your head between their thighs.

No, she’s not Terran, she’s Lunan. A fiery Lunan woman who still manages to go out on stage and dance for the masses even when the galaxy seems determined to tear her down. Damn, her resilience is sexy. Beads of precum emerge from the tip of my cock, providing much-needed lubrication as I move my hand up and down my length faster, faster, faster. I pant as my orgasm builds, and the thick vein in my knot bulges.

She always smells so sweet, like strawberries and vanilla. I wonder what she tastes like? I picture my face between those pretty thighs of hers, devouring her cunt. Flicking my tongue between her slit hungrily, making her moan as she runs her fingers through my hair. I want her naked and writhing before me on the bed. I want all of her on display for me and me alone.

My orgasm comes in strong, sudden spurts, and I’m not quiet about it. It’s been ages since I’ve been able to masturbate in the shower without anyone else at home. No roommates. No teammates nearby. Just me, my hand, and my vivid imagination. Gritting my teeth together, I throw my head back to stare up at the ceiling as I growl through the rest of my orgasm.

My release is hard-won and built up, and I’ve always come in excess. It takes a solid minute before I’m finally done, and my knees threaten to buckle beneath my weight. I rinse off and turn the shower off, then grab a towel to wrap around my waist.

Did I seriously just jerk it to the woman I’m supposed to be protecting? The woman signing my checks? Okay, technically it’s a bunch of suits signing the checks, but still. It feels wrong.Ifeel wrong. Shaking my head, I head into the bedroom and grab a fresh T-shirt and jeans.

Now that I’m feeling shameful about the deed, I’m ready to get some real physical activity in. Which means I just took a shower for absolutely nothing because I’m about to go sweat. Meh. Another shower after a jog and the gym can’t hurt. In fact, it sounds downright luxurious.

* * *

After grabbing my gym bag and heading out the front door, I call Aiken to see what he’s up to. His dark, round face pops up on the screen, and I smile. It’s been a week since I last checked in with him, and I’ve started to miss the big guy.

“Hey,” I say as I set out on my jog through the park with the screen situated squarely in front of my face. “What’s going on?”

Aiken grunts a reply. “Nothin’.”

“You got a few hours to kill? Because I sure do,” I say. A few Human women walking tiny, yappy over-sized beetles pass me.

“Still in Latrixia?” he grumbles as the yappy beetles lunge at me, tugging on their leashes. The women loudly scold their … bugs? and wave apologetically at me as I pass.

“Yeah. For a few more days. Then we’re heading out. Why? Aren’t you still in Latrixia?” Aiken and I never used to stay on one planet for more than a week. It’s now been three, minus that little excursion to Nocturne.

Aiken blinks slowly three times, which always means no. “Went home.”

I stop jogging and wipe the sweat from my brow. “Wait, you went back to … you went to Terra? And you didn’t tell me?”

“Busy,” he grinds out.

“You, or me?”

He chuffs as he jerks his head, which means he’s getting agitated. And an agitated Gorcian is a dangerous Gorcian. Even from this distance.

“Alright, alright.” I hold my hands up in defeat. “I get it. I bailed on you. You don’t owe me anything. I understand, Aik. But I wish you would’ve said you went back to the flat. Are you there now?”


At least he was still speaking to me. The last time I pissed him off, I wound up with the silent treatment for three days. Then a thought crosses my mind. Yes, it might be a bad idea, promising something that I can’t guarantee. Not exactly, but….

“I’ll make it up to you. How would you like backstage tickets to the Kallista concert in Xilia in a few weeks?”

Aiken’s eyes widen. The magical words have been said. Suddenly, Aiken’s entire demeanor does a one-eighty. He hops up and down in place, and his mouth peels back, revealing a grotesque smile and black gums. Gorcians should not smile. Ever.

“I’ll take that as a yes, and all’s forgiven. Awesome. Well, I’ve got to run. Literally.” A few more women in tight black leggings and sports bras run past me. One of them whistles as they shoot past, and the other yells something obscene over her shoulder. “I think I just got catcalled,” I mutter. “That did … not feel great.”

Aiken chortles and cuts the call before I have a chance to say goodbye. I think a little trip to the nearest gym is in order. It’s been too long since my last workout.

* * *
