Page 43 of We Own the Stars

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Strange birds with four wings instead of two soar overhead, cawing. Aside from the extra wings, they remind me of Terra’s seabirds. They even laugh like them. Kallista points at one of the birds that flies past, and looks back at me. I smile, and she smiles back. This would be amazing, if only Margot wasn’t here to fuck up our postcard-perfect moment.

“You have to go to that,” Margot says as we head down the steps. “It’s non-negotiable.”

“Can’t I reschedule?” she snaps. “I don’t even know that guy, and I think spending time with the man who just did us a huge favor takes priority. He’s Xavian’s best friend.”

I happen to agree with her, but I’m not getting involved. When it comes to Margot and Kallista, their arguments tend to turn ugly. But Kal has something Margot lacks: tenacity. Besides, what can I say? I’m loyal. My credits are on my girl, here.

“No, we can’t reschedule,” Margot snips back. “There’s no time to reschedule.”

I roll my eyes and exhale loudly.

Margot turns her ire toward me, glaring. “What? You think I’m being unreasonable?”

I throw my hands up defensively. “Hey. Don’t rope me into your bullshit. I’m just the bodyguard. I’m here to keep her alive, not settle your petty arguments.”

“Petty?” Margot’s like a bull with rings of smoke blowing from her flared nostrils. Her face is even turning red like in those old-school cartoons. “I’m not being petty. I am trying to stay professional, here. Unlikeyou,” she hisses at Kallista, then turns back to me. We pass a couple of elderly fishermen in the street, who stare at us with round, curious eyes. They’re Human, and old, so hopefully they can’t hear our bickering.

“Margot,” Kallista says. “Reschedule the fucking meeting. I don’t know this guy, but I know Aiken. I want to meet with Aiken. Make it happen.” And she puffs out her cheeks like an angry chipmunk again. God, I like this woman. Especially when she’s putting her foot down.

“You know what? You’re ridiculous. If you’re just going to override my decisions and planning, maybe you should find other representation, because this clearly isn’t working out.” With that, Margot huffs and strides off angrily down the beach toward the hotel.

“Margot, wait—” Kallista starts. She’s about to go after her when I plant my palm on her shoulder.

“Let her go. She’s trying to manipulate you. Remember, she’s working foryou. Not the other way around. If you don’t want to go to this party, you shouldn’t have to. Especially when you don’t know the guy.”

Kallista looks up at me, smiling faintly. “And this has nothing to do with Aiken being your best friend and you looking out for him?”

I laugh. “Oh, no. I mean, I definitely care about that. His happiness is my happiness, after all. But … I also want you to be happy. And you’re definitely not happy.”

Pink tinges her cheeks, and she looks away, toward the ocean. “This planet is beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. It’s a great view,” I say. But I’m not talking about the ocean, or the city, or the statues.

My heart lurches in my chest as she leans against the stone railing. Yeah. I’m in trouble, aren’t I? I’m in too deep with my feelings now, but I’m not sure I want to do anything about it. Whether she feels the same way about me is irrelevant. All I know is that at this point, I’m ready to take a bullet for this woman, and not just because I’m being paid to.


My meeting with Lydia is a total disaster. No surprise there. The tabloids haven’t let up on me for a hot second. If I thought that the paparazzi were out of control before, whew. No one ever warns you or teaches you how to handle the darkest aspects of fame.

Ever since I rose to the top of the charts three years ago, everyone’s wanted a piece of me. Literally a piece of me. During our meeting, Lydia shows me a video of a man who cut off his ear and put it in a box to send to me.

“What in the fucking Van Gogh is this?” I demand, slamming my palms against the table.

Lydia, a short woman with fiery red hair twisted into victory curls, shakes her head as the video plays.

“I’ve seen enough, thanks,” I say, and she thankfully turns the terminal off. “So, this is unhinged. Why are people so unhinged, Lydia? And how do we make them stop?”

She fiddles with the gold bangles on her wrists. “I … agree with Margot. I think you should put out a statement. I can write one up for you and have it out within hours. Just say the word.”

Our waiter, a burly Human man in his mid-twenties, steps out of the restaurant carrying a large tray on his shoulder. Thankfully, his arrival momentarily stalls the conversation.

I like Zeno a lot. The warm, salty ocean breeze has already made me feel more invigorated. I guess the air quality on Xilia wasn’t anything to write home about because within days my skin has all but cleared up. At least, Xavian thinks it’s the air and water quality. And the fact that he’s been picking out high-quality meats and vegetables for my meals, which Margot has allowed so long as I’m not carb loading.

As the waiter sets the tray down with our soups and salads, I notice he’s staring at me. A lot. I flash him a small smile and wait for him to go back inside the restaurant before turning back to Lydia, doing my best to ensure she feels the venom dripping from my gaze. “I am not outing myself just to make the insanity stop. How is that fair?”

“No one is saying it’s fair, sweetie. It’s just a suggestion on next steps. If you come out as bisexual, it could help. With your album coming out this fall, it might be a good idea, is all.”

Tilting my head back against the chair, I let out a loud groan. Yes, I’m being stubborn. I realize this. But it’s the damned principle of the thing. “No one should have to do this.”
