Page 50 of We Own the Stars

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Running my hands through my wet, matted hair, I sigh. “Kal.” When I meet her eyes, I see so much sadness in them. So much loneliness. “You’re going to find someone who makes you feel like the diamond you are. But it can’t be me.”

She furrows her brow. “Why not?”

She’s determined not to make this easy.

“Because I’m not allowed. Because it’s clearly stated in the paperwork I signed that if your employers get even a whiff of anything going on between us that isn’t strictly business, my ass is fired and in breach of contract. You’re a woman of business, too. You know what breach of contract means.”

Like the petulant woman that she is, she plants her hands on her hips and grins. “So, you won’t kiss me because of your contract, not because you don’t want to.”

I run a hand down my face and exhale slowly. “That was your takeaway?”


What a brat. A brat I would love to take my time with in the sand, slowly exploring each curve of her delicious body. My cock twitches at the thought. Absolutely not. This has gone far enough. I extend my hand to her, which she takes immediately, and I pull her toward the dimly lit cobblestone street.

It’s safer to change the subject altogether, so I say, “I noticed you have a gap in your schedule tomorrow morning. We’re going to hit the gym and start you on a weightlifting regimen. And then I’m giving you swimming lessons.”

Surprisingly, she doesn’t complain, argue, or try to flirt with me again. Instead, she’s completely silent when I call Aiken to come pick us up. And then she remains completely quiet on the flight back to the hotel.

My heart breaks a little, thinking I might’ve hurt her feelings irreparably. But that’s giving myself too much credit. I’m a distraction for her, I remind myself. Nothing more.


Another week passes, and between working out with Xavian, meetings with my team, and performing in the evenings, I’m exhausted. Bone tired. The kind of exhaustion that writhes its way into your soul and nestles in deep for a long hibernation. Except I can’t rest. Not yet, not when there’s still so much work to do.

My body is also so sore it hurts to sit down on the toilet to pee.

I can’t deny it’s been kind of fun, though. After our workouts and showers, Xavian trains me in the pool for an hour. Ever since I nearly drowned in Lacie’s pool, he’s been extra cautious about me being near or in bodies of water.

“Learning to swim is a vital skill. Mandatory,” he says, tossing a rubber noodle into the pool. It nearly bonks me in the head, and I shoot him a scowl. “Relax. I wasn’t going to hit you, and even if it did, it’s foam.”

We haven’t talked about that night on the beach. Every time I try to bring it up, he changes the subject or ignores me entirely. I know I should just let it go, but I don’t want there to be any weirdness between us, either. If he doesn’t want me, he doesn’t want me. I’m okay with that. I just wish he’d be blunt and tell me so.

But again, his job is on the line, and I know I should be more respectful of that.

Still, Xav’s gravitational pull is too intense. Every time I’m in his orbit, it’s like all decency and good sense dribbles out of my ears. Not an excuse, though. I know I need to get my shit together.

He makes me do laps from one end of the pool to the other, and my heart races whenever he shouts praise at me.

“Good job, Kal! Good form! You’ve taken to this so well!” he shouts from the side of the pool.

Planting my feet on the bottom of the pool, I turn to flash him a smile. “I’m a pro. Of course I have.”

I catch his eye roll even from all the way over here as he paces the side of the pool. “Love that you’re so humble about it, too.”

I could banter some more with him, but I’ve got twenty more laps to do before lunch. Drawing in deep breaths, I dive into the water and get on with Xavian’s punishment. Cruel taskmaster, but at least he’s cute.

* * *

After training, Xavian graciously allows me to take a nap in my room before my next big thing. There’s always something going on, but he’s smart enough to understand the importance of rest.

When I wake up, I roll out of bed and pad over to the windows. What time is it, even? Who even knows, but it feels like I’ve been sleeping for an eternity. When I check my reflection in the glass, I notice a giant crease mark from the pillow etched into the side of my face. Damn. Must’ve been some nap.

I press the little button on the side of the wall and watch in awe as the shades literally dissolve and the dark room gives way to the brilliant sunshine from outside. Light floods every corner of my room, and I can’t help but smile as my eyes water from the sudden exposure to the sun. Rather, the suns. This star system has two, and thankfully one runs a lot cooler than the other, otherwise this planet would be a literal hell. This window feature is my favorite thing about this suite, and that’s saying a lot considering the sculptures that decorate each of the corners, the opulent whirlpool tub in the bathroom, and the glass chandelier hanging in the living room. Black and white photographs of the nearby nebulas grace each wall, which are painted an exquisite cerulean blue.

“I need to get one of these shade thingies back home,” I say, loud enough for Margot to hear as she enters. She’s holding a terminal screen up to her face, as usual, though she grins. I can’t remember the last time, save for our recent heart-to-heart, I saw Margot without the sickly blue hue against her already pale features.

“Pretty awesome, right? It never gets old,” she says. “Listen, Xavian is coming by in twenty to pick you up and take you to the fan meet and greet. I’m going to be there an hour afterward. Luthor wants me to pop over for a quick coffee and chat, and you know how that goes.”
