Page 58 of We Own the Stars

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“I have something to confess, I guess,” Kallista says quietly, so low I can barely hear her. I lean so that I’m almost folded over her as we continue shuffling around the floor. It’s not exactly dancing, but we’re not just standing around, either. “My name isn’t actually Kallista.”

I freeze as the song ends and break away from her grip so I can turn off the turntable before it rolls into the next song. “Wait, what? Really?” Part of me is relieved, because her expression led me to believe this was going to be something way more serious.

“No,” she says, rubbing her arm as she backs away toward the edge of my bed. “I only chose that name because the label execs said my real name was too boring. I needed something showy that people will remember.”

She sits down, and I watch as she pretends to be interested in her manicure.

“What’s your real name, then?” I ask.


Emily. Yes, it’s a common Lunan female name, but it’s far from mundane. When I look at this woman, a mixture of sunshine and stardust, all I can see now is Emily. Emily, a woman whose eyes haunt me long after I’ve fallen asleep. Emily, whose breasts and hips goad me when I’m alone in the shower. Emily, who I so desperately want to kiss right now even though every muscle in my body is straining to keep me from reaching for her.

“It’s a lovely name,” I say nonchalantly. “What’s wrong with it?”

She lets out a small laugh and kicks her feet a little. “The studio said it was the name of every woman. And I have to put on the façade that I am not every woman, so the name didn’t fit. So … now I’m Kallista.”

“You’re not every woman,” I say, frowning as I shift my weight from side to side. Sure, maybe from a business standpoint, it makes sense. It’s not like I would know any better. But to make her believe her name is mundane or drab is just cruel. “Even with your birth name, no one could mistake you for being ordinary.”

Her lips part like a silent invitation, and her eyes move to my mouth. I lower my face to hers until the tips of our noses are touching, brushing my hand against her throat. Kal’s—no, Emily’s heartbeat is still racing, but then again, so is mine. I breathe in her sweet, floral scent. It mingles with the cinnamon notes of my room, creating something entirely new.

“Emily, may I kiss you?” I whisper. Bad ideas be damned, I need to know what she tastes like. And I need to know now.

“Please,” she answers, and not a second later, my lips brush against hers. Slowly, so slowly, at first. The warmth of her lips pulls me in, like she’s dragging me down beneath the ocean’s surface, threatening to suffocate me. But I’m happy to drown in her, if that’s what she wants, because this woman is … this woman wrecks me.

I deepen the kiss, or maybe she does—I’m not sure as time starts to unravel and lose all meaning. My fingers glide through her hair, and then her fingers are through my hair, and soon we’re a crumpled mess on my mattress.

The bed sinks from our combined weight, and the springs give a low creak in protest. Wherever Aiken is right now, I hope he isn’t in an eavesdropping mood. Emily moans into my mouth, making my cock twitch in my pants. When we break the kiss, we’re both gasping messes, all tangled hair and sweaty palms. My body hovers over hers, but I’m careful not to cage her in. The last thing I’d ever want is for her to feel trapped with me, and I’m well aware of my size.

When she stares up at me, my heart fractures a little inside my chest.

“What is it?” I pant, still worked up from the kiss-turned-makeout session. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No,” she answers quickly. “Not at all. Just looking at you. I love looking at you.”

I smirk. “Really? Likewise, princess.”

It doesn’t occur to me even once that this is a terrible idea. That we shouldn’t be doing this. That I’m going to get my ass fired if Margot finds out. If anyone fucking finds out. Besides, too late. We’re past the point of return. Now I know what Emily’s mouth tastes like, and all I can think about is how badly I want to explore the rest of her body with my tongue.

Rolling onto my side, I prop myself up on my elbow and trail my fingertips across her stomach.

“Did you like it?” I ask her, immediately regretting the question. Between the slow dancing to boy band music and making out on my bed, it’s like I’m right back in the ninth grade all over again.

When she finally speaks, she’s still out of breath and her voice is low. “Yeah. Can we do it again?”

I answer by wrapping my arm around her torso and dragging her toward me, pressing her perfect breasts against my chest. I’ve dreamed of how they would feel against my body, and while they’re definitely amazing, they can’t compare to how her lips feel on mine. I press my lips to her forehead, then her eyebrow, then down to her cheek until I reach the crook of her neck. She squirms, and I hold her tighter to my chest until I’m brutally hard.

Yeah. I’m wrapped around this woman’s finger, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


The stress of the past several weeks dissolves into the ether as Xavian and I touch and explore each other’s bodies. He’s a gentleman about it, too, always asking before running his fingers anywhere they haven’t been before.

Xav’s fingers trail around my sides, and all I can think about is how desperately I want my shirt off, for it to stop coming between us, and for him to lose his, too. The heat between my thighs urges my hips to roll forward against his pelvis. He responds by catching my bottom lip between his teeth.

I let out a serrated moan as his length presses between my thighs again. This time, however, he picks up a steady rhythm. His still-covered erection presses against my clit over and over again until I’m gasping into his mouth. His hands cup the back of my neck, steadying me as he works himself against me.

“Xav, please…” I whimper, but he chuckles and presses his nose against mine.

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