Page 76 of We Own the Stars

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Margot’s bottom lip trembles like she’s about to cry, and she leans over to peck the top of my head. “That’s amazing, Kal. I can’t wait to hear it.”

“Mm. I put all my emotions into this song, and now he isn’t even here to hear it,” I say sadly as I continue my tuning.

“I’m sure he’d love it,” she mutters. “Okay, I need to head backstage for a bit. Call me if you need me.”

All I really need right now is Xavian—my rock, my everything. I meant it when I said he was mine. Mine to cherish, mine to love, mine to care for. He isn’t the only one who can take care of their partner. I want to do the same for him.

An idea pops into my head, and I place the ceyloria pith down gently. Then I pull up my terminal. The screen flickers to life, and before I can talk myself out of it, I pull up HAHA’s number and dial it. A feminine voice answers on the second ring.

“Hi, I have some interesting information about Xavian Melrose, if you’d like to hear it,” I say.

I really hope this doesn’t backfire. Xavian deserves a win.


The cheers from the crowd are deafening. When I step out onto the stage wearing my black corset top and matching tulle skirt, I can scarcely see past the front row thanks to the blaring hot white lights above me. I shade my eyes with a hand and squint as I bring my microphone to my mouth.

“Hello, Cristal! How are you all doing tonight?” I yell.

The crowd answers back with shrieks and cries, and I laugh. This is the best part of being a performer. No matter how bad things get, my fans always manage to lift my spirits.

“I’m really happy you’re all here with me tonight,” I say into the mic. This is it. It’s time for the grand reveal. The suits are going to lose their shit, of course, but they can suck it. I’m done playing the game by their rules. If I’m going to remain in the industry, then I want my authentic self to be on stage, not some random woman who I don’t even recognize anymore. Maybe I never recognized her. Maybe that’s why I’ve never truly been happy with myself. Well, that all changes now.

“I have something very special to tell you all. You may have heard the rumors. God knows I’m always making waves in the press these days,” I joke. The crowd laughs along with me.

“I’m coming out tonight. On my own terms, not anyone else’s. I want you all to know that I decided to do this charity event for you all tonight because … I’m bisexual. I always have been, and I always will be. Even if I’m in a relationship with a man, which I am. Even if I’m kissing a woman in a club and never see her again, I’m still a proud bisexual Human.”

The crowd’s cheering reaches a crescendo that makes me glad I’m wearing my ear protection. My pulse races inside my chest as dozens of people in the front row toss flowers onto the stage and reach up for me. I bend over and clasp a woman’s hand, smiling down at her, before moving on to the next person. And then the next, and the next. I touch each and every one of my fans and murmur my thanks.

“Thank you,” I say, wiping my eyes. But this time, they’re tears of joy. Pure, unfiltered joy. “Your acceptance means the world to me. And now, I’d like to open the show with a new song I’ve written. This one is called ‘We Own the Stars,’ and….” I smile bashfully at the crowd, then nod back at the band to signal the start of the song. “I’m happy to say that I wrote this for my boyfriend, Xavian. The best partner anyone could ask for. He was fired as my bodyguard today.”

The crowd descends into a roar of boos and jeers.

“But … I’ll never stop loving his adorable ass. So, this is for him. I love you, Xav, wherever you are.”

The crowd dies down to near silence as I sing my song, pouring my love into each lyric and playing my ceyloria pith along with the rest of the band. From what I can tell, at least from the front row, everyone is really into it. It’s risky, opening a concert with a ballad, but this is too important for me to care about that now. A sea of lights takes over the crowd and sways back and forth gently like stars in the sky, and then before I know it, the song is over.

I lower my head, whisper my thanks, and listen as the crowd erupts into cheers again. With the first song of the evening over, it’s time for a costume change. I turn and start to head off the stage.

Then it happens.

Without warning, an explosion from somewhere behind the band goes off, and my world shatters. The happy cheers turn into terrified screams, and I’m thrown off my feet. The ground rises to meet me as slabs of crystal come tumbling down, crashing through the stage.

I shield my face as the audience descends into chaos. The stampede is immediate. A second explosion goes off near me, and not even my ear protection can save my hearing. Harsh ringing overtakes my senses, throwing me off balance as I try to peel myself off the ground.

What’s happening? Why is this happening? And how do I get out of here in one piece? I let out a strangled cry as a huge chunk of crystal falls straight down toward me.


I’m not dead.

As the panicked crowd continues to stampede, my body is lifted from the ground, and I’m crushed against someone’s chest. The ringing in my ears hasn’t gone away, but when I look up to see who my rescuer is, I nearly choke on my own saliva.


“I thought you were told to stay away,” I murmur as he flies across the stage with me in his arms.

He drops into the pit, nearly dropping me in the process, and looks down at me. His gorgeous blue eyes are filled with so much fear, and his jaw is tense. It hurts my heart to see him like this.
