Page 79 of We Own the Stars

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Besides, the true love of my life has always been songwriting. As long as I could keep doing that, then I didn’t care how much I made. I’d already accepted a position at a record label. Not the one I worked for, of course, but a new, up-and-coming label located right here in Toronto.

“I’m done, Margot. Yes, it’s a lot, lot less money. But we’ll make it work,” I say. “What are you going to do now, though?”

Margot exhales, then says, “I don’t know. I want to go back to school, I think. This industry is a disease, Em. And I don’t want any part in it anymore.”

I’m about to respond when Xavian’s bedroom door flies open. When he steps out, he’s trembling.

“What’s wrong, babe? You okay?” I ask as I get up from the couch.

Xavian’s so pale he looks like he’s just seen a ghost. “That was just the head of the TBL. The Terraball League,” he clarifies, then swallows thickly. “They said … they said that they’re reinstating me into the League, and that if I want to, I’m free to try out for one of the teams they just added.”

A shriek rips through my throat, and I launch myself into Xavian’s arms. He laughs as he catches me and spins me around in circles.

“That ‘anonymous tip’ you gave to HAHA really did all that, huh?” Margot asks from behind me. “What did you say to them, anyway? They took that story and really ran with it.”

I shrug. “Oh, just that Xavian Melrose was fired after acting as a whistle blower against the sexual misconduct on his own team. Someone over there must have journalistic chops, because they dug up a lot of shit about those guys. The coach was in on it, too. Covered up everything. Well, it’s not so covered now.”

Xavian buries his nose into my hair, tightening our embrace. When I breathe in, his musky leather scent fills my nostrils.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Xavian murmurs into my hair. “You really did that for me?”

“No, not just for you. For those women, too,” I say.

Xavian smiles down at me, and then I look over at Margot. “Never underestimate the power of the media. Besides… it’s about time they used their powers for good. At least those women will have some justice, eventually. And Xavian’s name is cleared.”

Xavian takes my cheeks into his hands and presses a deep, powerful kiss to my lips. Margot clears her throat.

“I’m, um. Just going to go check on that beer and see if it’s cold yet,” she murmurs.

Xavian continues to kiss me like he’s starving, and when he finally pulls away, he presses the tip of his nose to mine. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he whispers. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“I know,” I say, then chuckle as he runs his fingers through his hair. “No one gets to ruin my boyfriend’s career. No one. Not ever.”

He leans forward and catches my earlobe between his teeth. “Mine,” he growls into my ear. “Forever.”



Tonight’s scene is a familiar one. The crowd screams and cheers while waving flags and pennants, but instead of my name and image emblazoned on them, they’re the team colors for the Terraball league’s newest team: The Luna Lionsharks. They’re the first team to be officially recognized by the league outside of Terra, and I couldn’t be prouder—because Xavian is their new captain, and this is his first game of the season.

Instead of cheering for me, which I used to love, they’re cheering for my new husband, a sound I’ve decided I love even more. The massive dome around the spectators is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. It’s like sitting inside a massive aquarium, only all the water is on the outside, all around us.

It’s meant to be a home game, but Luna doesn’t have any water of its own, so the actual game is being hosted off the coast of Croatia. The water here is turquoise, I realize, and the ocean in this part of the world hosts a riot of brilliantly colored fish that swarm in schools all around us.

Above our heads, outside the protection of the glass dome, the players pass the ball back and forth so quickly it’s impossible to keep up. This is a game played hard and fast, and I’ll be honest, I still don’t understand the rules yet, so it’s doubly impossible for me to keep up.

The crowd’s screams reach a crescendo when one of the Lionsharks throws the ball past the goalie and scores their very first goal. Ever.

I jump to my feet along with the other wives and girlfriends and clap excitedly.

“Holy shit! First goal of the game! Who was it?” I yell, hopping up and down. Good thing I’m wearing a pair of leggings and a T-shirt today. I couldn’t imagine coming to a game in one of my skimpy dresses, that’s for sure.

These days, I’m all about comfort. I barely even bother with Weaves anymore, preferring to let my natural features and hair shine through. Makes me more authentic and approachable, I feel. Besides, I took a massive pay cut when I pivoted, but I make enough. Besides, I have my savings and Xavian’s earning a lot again, too. Credits aren’t going to be a concern.

Everyone, including myself, turns their attention to the jumbotron soaring through the sky as it lights up with the updated score, plus a name.

