Page 17 of Boundary

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Chapter 7

Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell. All morning, I'd made myself wait. Avoiding looking out to the ruins of the stag outside, I forced myself to try and eat breakfast - I couldn't. After dressing in my running gear, I ran my driveway and theirs to get to the front door of the manor house.

When the front door opened, Howard scowled down at me. "What do you want?" The way he looked at me was as if I were dog shit he'd discovered on the bottom of his expensive shoes. Blinking at the aggression of his greeting, I wondered how I offended him. Taking a careful step back out of arms reach, I bit my lip reconsidering coming here.

"Howard, don't talk to her like that." Coming to the door, Bob opened it wide and looked me over. "Vera, everything okay?"

Shaking my head, I assessed the two men. They both looked like they didn't sleep last night. "Your wolves chased a deer onto my property last night."

"Your property?" Howard growled stepping towards me.

Grabbing his shoulder, Bob hauled Howard back three steps, glaring at him but not saying a word.

Licking my lips, I nodded. "They came into my yard and surrounded the deer. I panicked and interfered, and one of your animals got hurt."

Eyes shadowed, Bob looked tired. "We know."

"I'm so sorry. I just couldn't stand to see the deer hurt. It was stupid, I know, I just wanted to make sure it was okay."

"The deer is dead you dumb-"

Grabbing Howard by his shirt, Bob shoved him back inside. "Shut it and piss off, Howard."

Feeling lower than a dog turd now, I shrank back as I cleared up the confusion. "I meant the wolf. I wanted to make sure your pet was okay."

Bob sighed; I'd never seen him unsmiling. "He's fine, Vera. He needed a few stitches, that's all."

Tears building, I nodded. All night, I'd been tossing around a decision, but Howard just made up my mind for me. "Is Dale here?"

Peering over his shoulder as if checking the coast was clear, Bob returned his eyes to me. "He's with the dog and the vet. I'll get him to walk down to see you later."

"No, it's fine. Can you let him know I'll cover the vet bill?"

"That's generous, but not necessary."

"And let Dale know the cottage is his. I'll sell it to him for the price I paid, plus transfer costs." Having made my decision, I turned to leave.

"Wait, what?" Stepping forward, Bob caught my shoulder. When I flinched away, he removed his hand while I put space between us.

"I came here for peace, not to watch animals get slaughtered, or for wolves to attack me every time I walk out my back door." Fourteen years of training to never raise your voice or talk back sticks like glue. "I came here to get away from a pack-house, not to end up in a new one. Dale can have the cottage." Jogging down the stairs, I ran towards the driveway.

"Shit!" Bob cursed behind me.

Back home, I showered before sitting down to look for a new place. Since I was now used to the local area, I looked for a small place closer to town. Picking a few worth looking at, I phoned to make appointments to see them. One had an open house this morning, so I grabbed my keys and left.

When I arrived at the open house, Danny Ready was out the front with his ever-ready smile. "Ms. Cana, are you looking for an investment property?"

Groaning to myself that I'd put on a summer dress this morning, and now his eyes were all over my legs. "No, a place for me. The cottage isn't working out with the neighbors." Without any further explanation, I stepped by him. The house was a little two-bedroom home on the outskirts of the village.

The place wasn't as lovely. The neighbors were only spitting distance away, and it would need several renovations. Exhaling, I made my way back outside. Danny was on his phone when I came out. Hanging up when he saw me come back out, Danny moved into my path, his usual smile gone. "What did you think?"

"Not for me. Do you have anything else in this price range?"

Danny shrugged all apologetic. "Afraid not."

"What about the Hudson road place? I phoned your office and made an appointment to see it tomorrow?"

Danny rubbed the back of his head. Tilting my face to observe him better when his gestures reminded me of Bob. "Well, yes, they are in the price range, but even worse than this place."
