Page 25 of Boundary

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"Dale, I would agree to a mass orgy with you all right now if it stopped the pain."

"That's exactly what I mean. This is a lifelong bind, Vera. You can't agree to it just to heal a rib. Tomorrow morning, your rib would heal, but our mating would stay. If you had sex with Bob or Jeremy again, our laws entitle me to kill them."

"Wait, what?" Jeremy's eyes popped wide open.

"We didn't have sex," Bob defended, looking very guilty.

"I can smell both of you all over her." Dale pointed to Bob. "I could smell your combined scents of lust by the back door. And you, I can smell all over her and this room." He jabbed a finger at Jeremy.

"I didn't have sex with her!" both men defended. "I haven't even kissed her," Jeremy argued. Bob fell quiet and took a step back. Jeremy looked at Bob with wide eyes. "You kissed her?"

"She kissed me. You've smelled her. It's near impossible to resist her."

Dale's jaw was grinding hard, but I was resisting laughing, mainly because it would hurt even more.

"Take it outside." Directing them with a finger jabbed towards the door, Jonathan glared at them all. The three men complied.

"So, rest and pain killers?" I asked the doctor to focus my mind elsewhere.

"Not your first fractured rib?"

"Not by far." Though, not as often as you'd think. Broken bones meant longer recovery time, and Malcolm wasn't that patient. Malcolm was very good at only causing soft tissue injuries. The others who occasionally got to beat me weren't so refined in their beatings.

"If you aren't willing to let our alpha mark you, then I'll prescribe some pain killers for you..."

"They don't work. I'll make birch leaf tea, it's the most effective for relieving this sort of pain."

Jonathan took out a pad and gauze. "I'll clean this wound up and dress it and get out of your way then."

Grimacing, I lay as still as possible while Jonathan worked. "How come you weren't at dinner on Saturday?"

"I was on duty." Cleaning the wound, Jonathan met my eyes. "Why won't you mate with Dale?"

"Trust issues. Plus, I thought I was human until today." Jonathan frowned. "I only found out we are our own species today. Even when I realized Dale was old, it didn't occur to me, that if I'm the same, I'd also age well."

Jonathan started packing up his gear. "I'm going to give you some life advice. Since I'm your doctor, you should take it. Allow Dale to mark you. Besides the healing ability it will give you, it will protect you. Worry about the mating stuff later."

"Dale and I aren't going to happen. The last thing I need is another alpha male who thinks he can control me."

"But he's your mate? Surely you feel the connection, the draw to each other?"

Thinking of how my body tingled with his touch, and my dreams of Dale, I turned my face away. "Perhaps, I'm broken?"

"Passion finds us all, eventually."

Chapter 10

"Would you like me to stay?"

Eyeing where Dale stood by my bed, I concentrated on trying to relax with each breath. "No. Could you ask Jeremy to try and source some birch leaf for me, please? I'll need it for pain."

"I'll make sure you get it tomorrow." There was a pregnant pause. "Why did you kiss Bob? Are you attracted to him?"

"Am I female and have a heartbeat?" Bob was gorgeous. He had nothing on Dale, but still. Any of this pack could be models, and most were.

"I see." Shoving his hands in his pockets, Dale glared at the floor, his anger flaring.

"No, you don't."
