Page 30 of Boundary

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"Thank you." I blinked back the tears. "I… I mean, no one has ever given me something unless it was to benefit them."

"This is to benefit Dale and yourself. It will allow you to see how the bond between you works. I'm practical, not sentimental."

When I smirked, Jeremy raised a brow. "I was thinking, I kissed the wrong pack member."

Jeremy snorted. "No, you picked the perfect one. If you had picked me, Dale would have known it was a ploy. By picking Bob, you devalued Dale, and made me get all possessive, which also worked in your favor."

"Did he really think I wouldn't fight back?"

"You've spent your life beaten down. Of course, he did." Jeremy didn't even try to sugar coat it. "But that's not why he did it, Vera."

"He told me why." It was a lot to take on. "It's why I agreed to this." My hand covered where Dale had bitten me. There wasn't any marks or scabs, only tenderness of bruising under the flesh.

Nodding, Jeremy stopped flicking channels. "Why is everything chick flicks tonight?"

Smiling, I snuggled into his side. "I like this movie."

"Of course, you do." Watching me yawn, Jeremy placed an arm around my shoulders and cuddled me to his side.

"The books are better."

"They always are." Picking up his mobile with his free hand, Jeremy typed out a message. "I can get you some books tomorrow if you like?"

"I can buy my own."

Watching the movie, I already felt my tears building.

"You're not going to cry, are you?"

"From the moment he dies until she meets the new guy. It happens every time I watch it."

"Next time we do a movie night, I'm bringing DVDs." When his phone pinged, Jeremy read the message then relaxed back on the lounge and watched the movie with me.

* * *

Opening my eyes,I jolted away from the arm around me. Jeremy jumped as if bitten and looked down at me, half asleep. "What is it?"

"Nothing, I just..."was letting you touch me,"hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep." Moving away from Jeremy, I went to the kitchen, pouring us both a drink of water.

Scrubbing his face, Jeremy turned off the television and stifled a yawn. "It's a little before dawn, so I'll head home and get a few hours' of sleep in my own bed."

"Can I ask a question?"


"Why can't I turn into a wolf?"

Jeremy shrugged. "No one knows."

"Can Hymn and Alexia?"

"They do a partial shift." Picking up the glass of water I'd poured for him, Jeremy took a big long drink. I stood there, waiting for further explanation. Jeremy finished the glass and frowned at me before his brows lifted. "Oh, right. They can grow the teeth and claws, and their eyes change to have night vision. No one knows why, but we've always thought it was because they are only half-breeds."

"So, why can't I?"

Jeremy blinked at me. "Who says you can't? Yes, you haven't done it so far, but you smell like us, so there is no reason you can't change like us."

My brows furrowed. "Has any full-blooded females ever changed before?"
