Page 35 of Boundary

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She looked at the card, amazed. "This isn't a ploy, is it?"

"It's not a job yet either. Danielle will arrange a trial session for you. If the shots come out good and you can walk a catwalk, then the management team will be in contact." Dale collected our bags. "Good luck."

With a smile, Dale took my hand and walked us out of the store. "How often do you do that?"

"Rarely. Only when I see something unique in a person. I have other staff who scout. She's a bit immature for a twenty-year-old, but I've had worse on the books."

"How do you know she's twenty?"

"The same way she guessed your age. Except, unlike you, she doesn't have genes that slow the aging process. Thus, my assessment will be correct."

Slipping into the car as Dale held the door, I blinked in amazement. "I always thought I looked my age."

"You always thought you were human too." Starting the engine, Dale kept his gaze on his mirrors as if to hide the scowl on his face.

Maneuvering us through the beach and harbor traffic, Dale parked at the yacht club. Retaking my hand, Dale led me to the slip where his yacht was. It wasn't the biggest yacht, but it would definitely come under the category of luxury.

"Morning, Vera." Bob waved from the upper level of the motorized yacht. "Did you have a nice night?"

The smile on his face told me he'd been a witness to Dale and I getting to know each other in the kitchen. Heat creeping into my cheeks which had nothing to do with the sun, I nodded. "It was very revealing."

"For us all," Jeremy countered, with no hint of humor as he offered me his arm to climb aboard on the main deck.

"I'm guessing you were the howler?"

"The second one, yes." Appraising my dress, Jeremy bowed his head. "You look lovely."

Dale led me a few meters away to the deck lounge. "I'll meet you in the flybridge, Jeremy."

With a mocking salute, Jeremy headed for the stairs up to the upper level where Bob had disappeared. Already sitting on the deck lounge were Juliet and Heidi from the first dinner. As we approached, Dale put his mouth to my ear. "They are currently seeing Bob and Jeremy. They thought you might like the female company. I'll be back in a few minutes."

After greeting the two models, Dale left me there to go check on a few things. Feeling shy, I sat and let the women continue their conversation. I'd been around the human women Malcolm's pack brought home to enjoy, but they never talked to me.

"So are you and Dale seeing each other now?" Heidi asked with a glint in her eye.


"He's gorgeous and rich, a real catch."

Juliet rolled her eyes. "He's also very nice, which matters more to Vera than his money or looks. Am I right?"

"I've learned that looks don't always go beyond the flesh. I'd never go out with a man because he was rich or good looking."

Scrunching her nose as if that disgusted her, Heidi looked me over.

Leaning closer to me, Juliet gave me a sly wink. "Not that it hurts if a nice man is also handsome and wealthy."

"Especially if they are hung like a horse." Heidi nudged Juliet, who went bright red. So much for Bob and his claim that he's neutered.

Picking up the water next to her, Juliet frowned. "You know, Dale has never dated any of the women from work."

"I don't work for him."

Both the women frowned at me in confusion. "So, how did you meet him?"

Finding it odd that they'd forgotten how Dale introduced me, I tilted my head. "I'm his next-door neighbor."

"Yes, but, I mean, we thought that was…" Heidi trailed off. "You really don't work for him, you just live next door?"
