Page 42 of Boundary

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With his body rigid, Dale tightened his grip. The oxygen levels dropped, and his anger heated the air around us; but staying low, like a warm fire on a winter's night.

Whimpering, I snuggled tighter to him. Holding my head to his chest, Dale stuck his nose in my hair. "I know." We stayed like that for several more minutes, until Dale's phone ringing made him pull away. "Have a shower and get dressed. We'll leave as soon as you're ready."

After Dale left the room, it took me a few minutes to take stock of my surroundings and assure myself I was safe. Still shaking a little, I made my way into the shower. It wasn't until I poured the shampoo in my hand to wash my hair that I realized I was still dressed, sneakers, and all.

* * *

"...youdon't cover for him, and you sure as hell tell me when he pulls that shit." Dale's angry voice greeted me outside my bedroom. Walking down the hall to the kitchen, I found Dale standing out on the back porch, growling into his phone. Noticing me, Dale took a breath to calm down and indicated he'd be a second.

"I understand that, but he needs to get himself under control." Dale looked at his watch. "You do that. I'm about to head out to my lunch date. We can discuss this when I get back." Hanging up the phone, Dale took a deep breath, then stepped back inside. "Sorry, are you ready?"

"How do you keep getting into my house?"

Looking sheepish, Dale shrunk into his shoulders as he lifted a key out of his pocket. "My former employee gave me a copy, in case he failed to turn up to work one morning." When I raised a brow at him, Dale shook his head and returned the key to his pocket. "If I hadn't had this, I wouldn't have been able to get in and help you when the goddess warned you of imminent danger."

"I… I don't like… I mean, I don't feel safe." It was a struggle to express my emotions on this. Could Howard access that key? What about the others? Dale having it actually didn't bother me. Was that right? Shouldn't it bother me?

Dale frowned as if watching every one of my thoughts cross my face. "Come stay with me in the city."

"I'm not good with crowds."

"You would be safe, Vera. My apartment is more secure than this place ever could be."

"Dale, I need to learn to do this. I need to take care of myself."

Taking my hand, Dale pleaded with his eyes. "For this week, Vera. Come stay with me for two days. Jeremy will bring you back Tuesday night. Then you can choose to stay with me or not for the rest of the week. Please?"

My gut twisted at the idea of saying no to him. "Can I have the day to think about it?"

Stepping in, Dale captured my lips in a gentle one-pinch kiss. "Of course. That you will consider it is enough."

Swooning, a little, I shook my head and took a step back. "You're turning me into one of those girls, aren't you?"

"No, Vera. You already were one of those girls, you've just hidden it under your defenses all these years."

"I disagree. Only you have ever made me feel light-headed with one kiss."

Dale's eyes glinted with mischief. "Imagine how you could feel with my lips all over you?"

Meeting his mischievous look with one of my own, I grinned. "I don't have to. I still have Friday night clear in my head. A kitchen has never turned me on so much, but every time I walk into mine now, I can only think of you."

Dale's eyes drifted to my kitchen bench. Groaning, he closed his eyes before looking back at me. "I believe it has the same effect on me. Let's go, before I convince you of a rematch."

Smirking, I grabbed my handbag. Dale took us out the back door, locking it as we left. We walked to his place via the forest path, collected his car, and headed out.

An hour later, a waiter led us to a table in a garden restaurant. As we approached a table with four men and one woman, Dale put his mouth to my ear. "We are having lunch with some friends I need you to meet."

"Dale," one of the men stood to greet us.

"Ralph, this is Vera."

Observing me over, Ralph had a broad smile on his face. His eyes touched my neck where Dale marked me, and his smile grew as he offered me his hand. "It's lovely to finally meet you, Vera."


"Yes, Dale told us about you when Cameron met you. We planned to introduce ourselves and then our packs. But when Dale claimed you as his, we still asked to meet you."

My mouth went dry. "You're...?"
