Page 45 of Boundary

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Waiting until we were on the freeway, I crossed my fingers and hoped Dale agreed. I'd wanted this since I found out it was a thing. "I have a term before we mate."

Dale glanced at me, intrigued. "Okay?"

"I want to get married. I want the pretty dress, the ceremony, the dancing. I want our first night to be our wedding night."

Grin splitting his face, Dale laughed. "Told you, you were one of those girls."

Chapter 18

It was dark when we arrived in the city. Dale touching my shoulder to wake me since I'd fallen asleep halfway there. "We're here."

Helping me out of the car, Dale walked me to the elevator nearby. We parked in an underground car park, so there was nothing to tell me where we were. Taking the elevator to the second top floor, we stepped out into a grey marble hallway. Placing his hand into the small of my back, Dale led me towards the door on the right, unlocking it and letting me inside. Once we were inside, Dale turned on the lights. I marveled at the sumptuous furnishings of his open-plan apartment. The color scheme was all various shades of grey, black, silver, and white.

Around the kitchen and lounge room were a bank of windows providing a view of the city lights outside. Opening the door to the balcony, I stepped out to enjoy the night air. Inside, Dale started talking to someone on the phone in the kitchen. Calming my paranoid mind, I focused my attention back on the view. Dale's warmth pressed against my back, inciting tingles to spark all over my body.

"Dinner will be here in thirty minutes." His hand sliding down my arm to take my hand and lead me back inside. "Let me show you around." Opening the only other door in the apartment, Dale stepped us into a bedroom. The room had a large bed and open plan bathroom, separated by the deep bathtub. "This is our bedroom."


"Yes, I only have one bedroom. We can share a bed without anything happening, Vera." Dale placed a kiss before my ear; I shivered.

"Are you sure? We can't even share a kitchen without nearly..."

Dale moved his body closer. "I want you, Vera, but you have to want me too."

Closing my eyes, I imagined all the ways I could let him have me. His scent intoxicating me, drawing me into a waking version of the dream of intimacy with him. The warmth of Dale's skin disappeared from mine. Opening my eyes, I stood in the room alone. Blinking, I looked around. "Dale?"

"In the lounge room."

As I moved back out to the lounge room, Dale looked up from his computer and checked the time. "Twenty minutes. I hope I last longer than that when we actually do mate the first time."

My cheeks caught fire. "You knew what I was...?"

"The smile and moaning sort of gave it away. Your desire is growing stronger if you are having waking dreams of us." The satisfaction was smug on his face.

Covering my face with my hands, I groaned as the embarrassment radiated through me. A door chimed.

Rising, Dale opened the door and grabbed two papers bags from a delivery man, then came back to the kitchen. "I warned you the urge to mate would be powerful. Ever eat take out?"

Shaking my head, I moved towards the wonderful smell coming from the bags.

"Get ready for your first take out experience then." Opening the dishes along the bench, Dale handed me a plate and told me to take what I'd like.

Serving a spoon of everything onto my plate, I tried a bit of everything. Some of it was delicious, others not so much. Waiting while I dished myself more of what I liked, Dale then put the rest on a plate for himself. Stealing my plate, Dale made his way over to the lounge. "Come and eat."

We sat on the lounge eating. When I'd finished eating, I sat watching Dale. When he finished, he stood up and took my plate from me. "Want dessert?"

Following him to the Kitchen, I eyed the beautiful kitchen with eagerness. "Sure. Want me to make it?"

Grinning, Dale caught my waist and lifted me to the kitchen bench. "You already did." With a wicked grin, Dale pulled my pants from under me, leaving my bare bottom on the kitchen counter.


Smirking with evil intent, Dale lifted my feet to his shoulders and ducked his face to nose my slit. Inhaling me, the air rushed past my moist skin as he breathed me. Griping the edge of the kitchen bench as his tongue tasted me, my eyes went wide. Biting my lip as Dale ate me in a way I'd never even imagined.

Foreplay had always been a few rubs and kisses, never this. My eyes rolled back in my head as Dale licked and sucked my clit and folds. Dale's tongue teased my entrance. The sensations eliciting moans, gasps, and other sounds from me that I'd never made before.

My legs were shaking, and I was whimpering in new pleasure when Dale pulled back to assess me. Gazing into my natural eyes, Dale blew across my trembling clit. My body thrashed about uncontrollably. Holding my hips tight, Dale buried his face again, licking and sucking my orgasm from me. He continued until the aftershocks of pleasure finished, leaving me limp and boneless.
