Page 48 of Boundary

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Caprice, a lithe blond in her late forties, didn't even look up. "He's in a meeting, on the next level. Can it wait?"

Alexia smirked at me and lowered her voice. "She doesn't know I'm Dale's daughter. She thinks Hymn and I are banging the boss because he just lets us walk in whenever we want."

Finally glancing up from her computer, Caprice finally noticed I was there. "Who's this? You know any newbies get vetted by the agents: take her down there."

"This is the bosses girlfriend, or actually, his fiancée, her name is Vera."

Mouth falling open, Caprice recovered a moment later. "Like he'd let you hang out with his fiancée. Get lost, Alexia. I'm not in the mood."

Rolling her eyes, Alexia took my arm and led me down the corridor. "Fine, don't believe me. Vera will wait in his office until he gets back."


"Trust me, Mr. Hearn will be happy."

"No, wait!" Caprice tried to stand up to stop us, but got tangled in her phone headset and started cursing.

Hauling me through a glass door into a smaller office space, Alexia chuckled. "This is Jeremy's office." Shoving open the next door, Alexia came to a stop. "This is Dale's...oh, that's what she meant by next level up."

Dale was in his office, standing in front of a naked woman. This might have upset me, but there was also a naked man in front of a green screen. Standing with a camera in his hands, Jeremy watched as Dale gave the models directions.

"Alexia," Dale greeted his daughter without looking over at us. After adjusting something on the woman, Dale moved, allowing me to see Hymn and Adam were the naked models. When Dale indicated the shoot to continue, Jeremy nodded at me before lifting the camera.

That's when Dale saw me. He smiled brightly, frowned, and then looked at me waiting for me to let him know if he should be happy by my being here.

Smirking at me, Alexia shooed me forward.

Licking my lips, I moved forward to meet him. "Should I ask?"

Glancing over his shoulder, Dale sighed. The man was holding the woman, covering her breasts and pretending to bite her. "We do shoots for underground media too."

"Underground Media?"

As if on cue, the male forced the woman onto all fours before him. Staring wide-eyed, I watched as his body became hazy, like he was evaporating, and fell to the ground. A billow of charcoal smoke hung where his body was, then it sucked down into the form of a wolf.

Stepping forward, I stood mesmerized as the wolf mounted the girl from behind and licked up her spine. "Oh!"

In the pit of my stomach, I felt empty. You know that feeling you get when you go over a hill quickly, and your stomach drops out? That's what it felt like. Placing my hand over my abdomen, a waking dream swept over me.

In the yard behind my cottage, I was sunbaking on a towel. A shadow loomed over me. Opening my eyes, I smiled at alpha. He sniffed my crutch, and I laughed and tried to push his head away. When he licked up my stomach, I giggled with how ticklish I was. When he licked over my breasts, making the bikini wet with his slobber, I tried to cover myself.

'Dad, look at her eyes.'

Frowning, I looked around for Alexia.

'Shh,' Dale hushed from my other side.

Swinging my head to find him, I found myself alone in the yard. The sun had gone, and darkness was closing in, so was the cold. Rolling onto my stomach, I stood up, looking around the yard. My heart was pounding, my breath rasping. Something wasn't right.

Grabbing up the towel, I went to go back inside. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark shape move in my vision. Stopping, I turned to look, but nothing was there, and yet, I knew something was here. Scanning the backyard as I moved back to the steps, I struggled to breathe through my fear.

Reaching the steps, I turned my attention to the cottage. I froze at what waited for me at the top of the steps.

"Did you really think you could get away from me, Viridia?" Malcolm took the steps down toward me. In his black suit, he looked good, his power emanating from him, but I'd met Dale now, Malcolm was a shadow on him.

Resisting screaming, I backed away. "You can't have me."

Moving faster than I could, Malcolm grabbed my hair in his fist and yanked me toward him. I whimpered, tears streaming down my face. Fear was suffocating my body. "You belong to me!" Hissing, Malcolm crushed his mouth to mine.
