Page 54 of Boundary

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As his finger tested my readiness, I moaned. "We have tomorrow night."

"Oh, I'm taking you to a fancy hotel for our wedding night, Sweet Pea. It should be special, after all. Now, what was that fantasy you had in the board room?"

Chapter 21


The smile on my face only outdone by the one on Dale's as I promised myself to him. Tears glistened in my eyes. My cup overflowed with joy.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You can kiss your bride."

Applause broke out around us. Dale's eyes sparkling as he pulled me into him and bent me over backward with the force of his kiss.

We were in the park opposite Dale's apartment. Somehow he'd managed to organize a celebrant, licenses, and someone to decorate overnight. Jeremy and Bob stood as groomsmen. Alexa and Hymn were my bridesmaids - something they'd sprung on me at the park. A few other members of the pack, like Adam and Jonathan, attended, but the honor fell to Cameron, Dale's son, to give me away.

Some of their work colleagues from Dale's agency came, which is what drew the crowd of passersby's. Considering well-dressed models were guests, the public thought we were celebrities or something. So, the immense applause was from a bunch of strangers who didn't even know us.

A limo transported us to the yacht club, where an impromptu reception was ready for twenty guests. We ate and drank, posed for photos, and even cut the traditional wedding cake.

As I appraised the beautiful decorations, I shook my head in awe and gazed up at my husband. "How did you pull all this together?"

"Alexa and Hymn. They've been to a ton of weddings and always wanted to be bridesmaids. So, they were over the moon to put this together for you."

Turning to find the twins, I thanked them for making it even more amazing then I imagined. Hymn shrugged. "You grew up human, it's natural you would have wanted the big human shindig."

Alexa laughed. "Come off it, Hymn. If you ever met your mate, you'd want the big white wedding too."

Hymn tried to dismiss it as unimportant, but the flicker in her eye told me Alexa was right. "Anyway, you still need to throw the bouquet," Hymn demanded, handing me my flowers.

The girls gathered all the single females for the bouquet toss. Hymn barreled everyone over to catch it.

"Told you she wanted to get married." Rubbing her jaw where Hymn's flying elbow connected, Alexa grimaced.

Taking my hand, Dale spun me under his arm. "Come dance with me." Moving us to an open space, Dale pulled me in against him and started swaying us. "Are you happy, Vera?"

Meeting his eyes, I expect the happiness in mine reflected the pure joy in his. "It's more than I ever dreamed of, thank you."

"I want to give you everything, Vera. Everything your heart desires, I want you to have."

My heart exploded. "I've always wanted to see snow, and have a snowball fight. I've wanted to swim under a waterfall. Go hang gliding. See a live opera and ballet. Go on a picnic in the park, play on swings. Oh, visit a fair and ride the dodgem cars - I don't know what they are, but I've heard it's so much fun…"

Listening to me, Dale smiled. His eyes shining while I rattled off all the things I'd ever wanted to do that I could remember on the spot. He waited until I took a breath and seemed to finish. "Is that all?"

It was sarcasm, I was sure. I doubt Dale would remember them. But the last two, the things that I wanted more than anything, these I hoped he could give me.

"I want to go to university and study. I want a proper degree and qualification. And…" This last thing I desired, and yet, I feared it was the one thing no one could give me.

"And?" Dale pressed, lifting my chin so I would meet his eyes. His smile faded as he saw the tears threatening to spill from mine.

"I want a baby. I want to be a mum."

Lips twitching, Dale pulled me closer and put his mouth to my ear. "It may not be straight away, but I believe I can fulfill all your desires."

"Really? You're not just saying that?"

"Vera, I intend to breed with you." That cheeky grin I adored spread across his handsome face. "I'm certainly going to enjoy practicing at every opportunity. Speaking of which, it's time I took you away and consummated our vows." Holding my hand, Dale led me over to Jeremy where he whispered in his ear.

Lips quirking, Jeremy got everyone's attention. "It's time for the bride and groom to leave!"
