Page 62 of Boundary

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"I heard you know how to shift to claws now, so let's make sure you can't slash me open again."

"No, Malcolm, please don't do this?"

"Goddess! Can you shut her up? She's so weak and pathetic." My head whipped to the door as Howard walked into my bedroom like he lived here. He hadn't just called Malcolm, he brought him here.

Rolling me onto my back, Malcolm smirked. "I like her pleading; it turns me on."

Snatching the towel, he yanked it off me, throwing it aside. Caressing the scar over my side, Malcolm lowered his fingers to touch the brand he'd given me when I was fourteen.

"See this? This marks you mine, Viridia. I don't care if you met your mate, in fact, that works in my favor because now your pheromones won't send the pack mad."

"She'll be dead after tonight, it won't matter." Tugging his shirt over his head, Howard leaned over my face and spat in my mouth. "I warned you what would happen if I got you alone, Bitch."

Malcolm's eyes burned with fury. "I never agreed to kill her."

"Dale is too strong to take on. If we kill her, it kills him, and I get this pack."

"You're too weak to be Alpha. That's why Jeremy and Bob were higher ranked."

Ear twitching, Malcolm eyed Howard. "You told me you were beta."

Insane bravery taking me over, or it was the knowledge that I would die tonight, I laughed. "He wishes." What was the point in cowering to your death? I didn't want them to rape and torture me first. If I was going to die, I was going to go down swinging.

Growling, Howard smacked me across the face. "Shut up! I'm good enough to be beta."

Despite the sting in my cheek, I kept laughing. After Malcolm's hit, Howard's was a love tap. "I've seen Bob best you. In this room, you're the weak and pathetic one. That's why you hate me. You know you are weaker than me! I survived years of abuse and fought for my freedom. You are a pathetic, jealous asshole who betrayed his own pack. You don't even have loyalty." Taking a breath, I spat in his face, shocking him. "I doubt you could get a woman pregnant. You are probably neutered like a ball-less bull."

"Fucking bitch!" Howard went to hit me.

Blocking his strike, Malcolm threw Howard across the room. "You lied to me. Nothing you told me was the truth. Our deal is off."

Growling, Howard charged Malcolm, shifting as he did. Like liquid flowing over his skin, Malcolm took beast form. Catching Howard around the throat as he came at him, Malcolm threw him across the room. Howard landed with a sickening thud. As Malcolm stomped towards Howard, I got myself upright and to the bedside table. Using my hands to pick up my phone, I ran out of the bedroom.

Pressing the quick-dial for Jeremy, I ran for the back door. Turning to push down on the handle, I whimpered when I found it locked. Shifting my hands to unlock the latch, I dropped the phone. "Jeremy, help!" I yelled when I saw the call connected.

Managing to get the lock open, I was turning the handle when a large hand grabbed my throat. Staring wide-eyed as Malcolm melted back out of beast form to human, I struggled in his hold.

"Where do you think you are going?" Snarling, Malcolm yanked me away from the back door. "You were right about that wolf, Viridia. He was weak, and he was very wrong about you, but that doesn't change a thing. You belong to me.”

Chapter 24

Flying across the room, I hit the wall above the lounge and fell to the sofa with a scream. Pain seared through my body. Fisting my hair, Malcolm pulled me up to standing. Naked after his shift, his excitement was evident.

"You've grown braver in your time away from me, Viridia. You would never have dared speak to any of my wolves like that. I'm impressed."

Fidgeting as he talked, I tried to get out of my restraints. I'd felt the belt loosen when I hit the wall. Fear flooded my system, but instead of it paralyzing me, my brain was racing, thinking of how to get free. Having always been a good runner, I could run. If I could get my hands free, I could run for the main house, and get help. Remembering Jeremy and Dale wasn't there, I sobbed.

Forcing me to my knees, Malcolm pouted. "Come on, Viridia. I was enjoying this new side of you. Don't ruin it with tears."

"Please, Malcolm, don't do this. Let me go. Please?"

Scowling, Malcolm forced me down to lie on the floor and knelt above me. "I can't do that. I love you."

"That's bullshit! You never loved me, never cared for me."

Shaking his head, Malcolm sighed. "You're wrong."

"You don't know what love is. You don't rape a girl because you love her, and you don't beat her out of love. You have spent fourteen years, raping, beating, and humiliating me. That's not love."

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