Page 67 of Boundary

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"That was when I took beast. The first time I took wolf-form was last night. It happened while I was focusing on saving Bob, so I actually didn't feel the shift. I was me one minute and on four paws the next."

"Were you scared?" She was so thrilled by the prospect, but I sensed her anxiety too.

"Yes." Dale didn't warn me, so I had no idea what was happening until it was in play. Remembering the second time we did it and how I was eager, I leaned over the bench. "Dale's jealous. In beast form, I grow a full bushy tail. The males don't get tails in beast form."

"No, they don't. Ralph would go nuts if I grew a tail."

"I know, Dale did. I could barely walk the next day from him enjoying my tail."

Cerese gaped, then she started chortling. "I hope it works."

"When are you going to try?"

"Tonight, before we head home," she was biting her fingernails.

Grabbing a carrot stick, I handed it to her. "Your nails are too pretty to gnaw on."

"Ladies," Dale interrupted. "Could you join us?"

When Dale offered me his hand, I packed my prep-work in the fridge and went with him. Leading me to the lounge, Dale wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"As you all know, Vera has changed to both beast and wolf. What we discovered last night when she took full-form, is that while in beast form, Vera conceived. She's going to have my cub.”

Chapter 26

"You look quite pensive," Dale chuckled to himself as he came in his bedroom. Approaching where I sat on the window seat at the bay window, Dale glanced past my shoulder. "Did you watch the show?"

Focusing my eyes back to where Ralph and Cerese were doing the wild thing in beast form, I observed them. "It was harder for her, and for you."

Pulling me to him, Dale was already naked, having revealed his own beast to help Cerese reach her own. "I am not bonded with Cerese. I am not her Alpha. The only reason I could do what I did is that I am the strongest Alpha to ever exist in memory."

"Maybe the Goddess always gives us one, to ensure we have our guide to our true nature?"

"You are my mate, Vera. I've waited over a hundred years for you to enter my life. I hope to have a hundred more with you." Stroking the hair back from my face, Dale gazed into my eyes. "Have you had any dreams that would indicate that won't be the case?"

"I barely slept last night, and Malcolm dead changes my future."

"No, Vera. This baby and I, we were always your future. The day I sank fang into you, the day we bonded, you told me I would give you a baby. You saw the future then." His hand covered my tummy. "That hasn't changed."

Swiping the tears from my eyes, I stared down at my tummy in awe. When I lifted my gaze, Dale smiled down at my tears of happiness. He dropped his mouth to mine, but I pulled back. "Won't they need you to help shift her back?"

"She grew a tail. I know what your tail did to me. They'll be a while yet."

Laughing as Dale picked me up and sat back on the bed, I straddled his naked lap. His thick erection knocked against my protected womanhood. "How do you think your kids will take the news?"

Lifting my dress over my head, Dale cupped my breasts. "They will be thrilled. Alexa and Hymn more so if I can teach them to at least reach their beast."

"Because they could increase their chance of conception?"

"That hasn't is only a theory."

"I'm pretty sure Cerese and Ralph are trying to prove it right now."

Dale gifted me a sly smile. "True, but we shouldn't get the girls' hopes up." He was such a protective dad, and I was falling deeper and deeper for him. "I'm only willing to try bringing the girls to their beast because they can both already shift their eyes and hands. They are my daughters, so they were born stronger than most of our females."

"Is Cameron stronger than most?"

