Page 69 of Boundary

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Swallowing my alarm, I closed my eyes to focus. Reopening them, I saw Dale holding a baby in his arms, singing nursery rhymes. His indigo eyes came to me, bright and happy before they dropped lower. Glancing down, I smiled at the baby I held in my arms. Happiness beyond anything I'd ever experienced radiated out of me.

Throwing back my head as my body seized, I cried out my pleasure. Not only of the body but of my heart and soul.

Dale cradled me to him, both of us breathing heavy. "Twins. I'm carrying twins."

Pulling back, Dale's face filled with wonder. Kissing me with utmost passion, Dale flipped me onto my stomach and pounded me from behind. His hips bucked while his fingers held me lovingly restrained. As my nails dragged the comforter across the bed, I cried out my physical pleasure again. Dale announced his joy to the house.


Feeling it in my bones, in my very being, I knew he had notified the entire pack of my condition. Panting, I started laughing.

Hesitating a moment, Dale fell to the bed laughing beside me. "Sorry. I got a bit excited."

Climbing onto his chest, I started kissing him. He made my insides feel bright with happiness. I couldn't believe how much my life had changed overnight. How light and bright my life was now. Knowing why, I redirected my thoughts because I didn't want to think about that anymore. Malcolm had stolen fourteen years with pain and misery. I was devoting the rest of it to happiness.

"I'm starving."

Smiling at me as I went to the bathroom to clean up, Dale wolf-whistled, his eyes drinking me up. Pure desire and happiness radiated from him. A moment later, he joined me in the shower.

"Jonathan is here, and Ralph and Cerese have finished experimenting. I'll help Ralph bring his wife back to human form while you get those stitches out. Then, you should eat while I speak to Jeremy."

Kissing him deeply, I let him go. When I finished showering, I emerged to find Jonathan waiting in the bedroom. "Have you checked on Bob?"

"He's next; you first."

Lying down on the bed, stomach down, Jonathan opened the towel to start his work.

"So, twins. Do we know the sex?"

"No. They were both wrapped in white."

"Well, I've given Jeremy the brand of a good antenatal vitamin supplement I want you to start taking. It will ensure you and the babies are well-nourished."

After Jonathan finished, I dressed and moved out to the kitchen for food. My steps slowed when I heard Dale talking. "And we are sure this relates to her?"

"It is the old Alpha's diary. The Beta gave it up without issue and have accepted the Liderii summons. None of them seemed torn up about losing Malcolm. We explained the cause of their exceptional violence for the last ten years. They are most repentant."

"So, she was never theirs. That is why none of them even tried to protect her. She was never pack."

Stepping into the room, my heart was beating a million miles per hour because I knew he was talking about me.

"Your suspicions were correct. He stole her."

Sensing me, Dale stood up. Turning his head, Jeremy bowed it in sadness. When Dale held out his arms, I went to him, letting him wrap me up. I always knew I didn't belong there. I always knew I wasn't one of them. After holding me for several minutes, Dale sat us down and indicated Jeremy explain.

"When you revealed you never felt connected to your pack, I asked the Liderii to summons the old Alpha's papers. Your old pack is complying out of fear of retribution for breaking tradition."

Jeremy held up a ledger. "This is a registry of births in the pack. You aren't in it."

"My real name -"

"You aren't in it. No female is." Placing the ledger down, Jeremy picked up another. "This is the Alpha's diary. It is required by our law that every Alpha keeps one."

"Really? You aren't worried the humans would get hold of them?"

"We keep them safe," Dale assured, while Jeremy leafed through it.

"Based on your age, I only had to search a few to find the right year." Opening a page, Jeremy cleared his throat.
