Page 13 of Praldia

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"Possibly, it's not guaranteed. Since my children will not be full-blooded, I'm not sure if they will have any power at all," I mourned. Taking a breath, I dragged his hand to cup my left breast. "My brother was marked as king. Tradition demanded his chest tattooed at six weeks old to indicate a royal heart."

Eyes intent on the mound of flesh he held, Saboa licked his lips. Dragging his hand downwards, I pressed it to the mark a couple of inches below my navel. Saboa blinked, then bent to get a better look, but I waited until his eyes flicked back up to me questioningly.

"I was marked at six weeks of age to indicate I carried the royal womb."

"How barbaric," Saboa murmured, astonished.

I laughed. "Funny, we think that of some of your customs."

Lowering his mouth, Saboa kissed the mark on my abdomen. "So, there is no mistaking your identity, and your people know how powerful you are—"

"No!" Looking up suddenly, Saboa blinked wide eyes at my outburst. "We are kept covered from birth. Only the throne and our parents ever see us bare. None would have known until my brother was crowned. Only then would he bare his back to his people to show his power to protect them. However, none would have seen mine until I took a companion, and then only he would know."

"But your previous lovers?" When I shook my head, Saboa sat back onto his calves, his eyes and mouth forming perfect circles. "Not one of your lovers has seen you naked? How the blackness have you managed that?"

The disbelief on his face was hilarious. "Luther, have you always undressed every woman you've enjoyed sex with?" His eyes sparkled. "The majority of my experiences in the past have not been leisurely paced."

Saboa crawled forward over me. "Well, that's something we can definitely remedy."

Kissing me slow and deep, he pulled back to slip between my thighs. Cupping his face in my hands, I forced his eyes to meet mine. "Luther, never tell anyone what you've seen? No one can know I have any more than ten abilities, and they should never know what they are. It's for you only."

Smiling wickedly, Saboa hovered above me, shifting the tip of his cock to rub between my folds. "I appreciate that." Lowering his face, Saboa kissed me passionately just as the door slid open. Groaning loudly, Luther dropped his head to my shoulder. "What?"

Eyes wide, I was glad Luther was big enough to hide me. While I didn't recognize the Elite guard who entered, I was grateful that he turned to face the window looking over the ocean when he saw our intimate position. "Prince Saboa, you asked to be informed when the Broadcasters released the news."


Our first days as companions went better than I expected. We made our debut at the Mymark school in Fastlandet. The Broadcasters waited for us, along with a larger-than-expected crowd to cheer us in and out of the school. Master Fabrice worked all night to ensure I had a dress worthy of a Princess for my first public appearance.

When we returned to the palats, a reception was held in the ballroom, which the Praldian-based diplomats, councilmen, and other people of note attended to congratulate us. A few councilmen expressed their disappointment at finding out from the Broadcasters and not being invited to the private ceremony. Still, all showed support for our union.

The next morning, Saboa refused to tell me where he was taking me. Our guards surrounded us, and we teleported. It took me a moment of looking out the window of the new building we were in to realize we were in Simpia. It was the opening of the new mining facilities, the one that brought me to Luther that very first time. The following six months, I'd visited the palats weekly to negotiate for funding to improve the living and working conditions of the natives here.

Overwhelmed by seeing the first project I'd ever put my heart into completed, I threw my arms around Saboa's neck and hugged him fiercely. When Saboa cleared his throat, I stepped away shyly, then stood passively beside him for the opening. Ambassador Twyford, president of the Native Rights Committee that Saboa formed as a result of another of my petitions, then gave a speech to the Natives of Simpia in praise of Prince Saboa and his continued support.

Today, our third day joined, Saboa had meetings all day to deal with Praldian affairs, so I was left to my own devices, albeit on a very short leash. In the morning, I walked the ring and wandered in the Roseraie, accepting this was the closest I would get to time by myself for a while. By lunchtime, all I wanted was a swim, but I settled for the bath instead.

Raised voices drew me back from my dispersed meditation. Surfacing, I purged the water from my lungs, gasping from the pain of pulling together too quickly. Turning from where he was yelling at someone at the door, Luther looked furious.

Stepping toward me hesitantly, he visually inspected the water. "You weren't there a moment ago."

"Yes," I panted, "I was. You just couldn't see me because I was… meditating." Coughing, I clung to the side of the deep bath.

"Are you okay?" His voice was concerned despite the fierceness of his features. Coughing again, I nodded. "Good, get dressed and get down the throne room now. An Avalonian diplomatic craft has just entered our system." Luther stormed back out to the sitting room. "Get her downstairs immediately. I want her beside me when the ambassador enters the throne room."

Dragging myself from the bath, I shivered despite the heat of the day. Over the last two days, I'd received gifts from most of the high society families of Praldia, including a gift of a black opal pendant from Luther's father, King Saboa, in Cyra. However, I doubted that the Avalonian Ambassador was here to wish us a happy union, many offspring, and give us a gift.

When I stepped into the sitting room, Padget was dancing from foot to foot anxiously, and Jervaise was pacing the length of the window. "Princess" –Padget rushed forward— "you haven't done up your dress." She pressed the closure on the city-style fitted dress that Master Fabrice sent over along with several others yesterday.

While they were fitted through the bodice, he folded more material into the flowing floor-length skirt, allowing me to walk at my normal stride. It was a departure from the current fashion, which wrapped women in fabric from neck to knee, restraining their every movement.

Padget ushered me to the lounge to sit while she promptly braided my hair into one thick rope down my back to the base of my spine. She'd tried to do my hair on the first morning in the city ladies' fancy up styles, but my hair was too fine to stay in place. Frankly, I found it too flamboyant. So, we'd compromised on letting her bind my hair with ribbons or braid it to make me look less… 'wild' was her word.

"She's trembling like its winter, Jervaise."

Watching me intently, Jervaise nodded. "She's terrified, Padg. These people killed her family and have tried to abduct her on numerous occasions. She knows why they are here."

Dropped to her knees in front of me, Padget took my hands in hers. "Princess, look at me." When I did, she instantly dropped her eyes to my mouth, avoiding direct eye contact. "The Prince will not let them harm you or take you. You are safe here. You must stand beside your prince and show that you have every faith he can protect you. Don't let them see weakness. Trust in your prince. If you show them you do not fear them while at his side, they will fear him."
