Page 15 of Praldia

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"You have proof of this joining taking place?" Saboa asked casually.

"Sadly, the joining took place during a time of war. The Princess was joined with King Abaddon by the Elder Othniel shortly before the Princess was abducted by rebels."

"The Elder Othniel completed the joining, you say?" Saboa inquired, holding his hand out to Aldous, who stepped forward with a scroll that bore the Avalonian Royal seal at its ends.

"Yes, that is correct," Tudal frowned as Saboa unrolled the scroll and read what was written upon it.

Over Luther's shoulder, I recognized the official document stamped by the four elders to decree the joining never took place. Happy Luther's men were able to find this document, I turned my attention back to the Avalonians.

Tudal was absorbing everyone's attention, but the three beside him were watching the room nervously. Their eyes shifting from side to side, distracted as if waiting for something. It bothered me. This wasn't the behavior of ambassadors come to make a petition. These men acted like mercenaries on a job.

Stepping forward without thinking, I placed my hand on Saboa's shoulder. Tapping each of my fingers from little finger to index once on his shoulder, I then swiped my thumb three times. Stark said five men left the ship. I'd seen five public channels light up in the garden. Someone was missing from this party, and in Avalonia, that only meant danger.

Casually patting my hand four times, Saboa then gave it a firm squeeze. He'd noticed. "Would that be Elder Othniel Sampson Nekoda who performed the joining?"

Mouth falling open, the Ambassador nodded. "That would be right, yes."

"And you say this joining took place before the Princess's escape?"

"Before her abduction, Prince Saboa," the Ambassador corrected politely.

"That's interesting, because this" –he held up the scroll— "is a declaration by Elder Othniel and the three other Elders present at the time. They free Princess Zira of any accusation of companionship with King Abaddon. That is who you claim she is joined with, correct?" Luther waited for the Ambassador's gawping face to nod. "Well, this states that Princess Zira was a child. That none of her Kin gave permission for a joining. And that the Princess was" –Saboa smirked as he eyed the Ambassador— "let's go with ‘abducted’ before any joining could be completed and formalized."

Rolling the scroll, Luther handed it to Aldous, who stepped down and held it for the ambassador to read. "Do you claim falsehood of that document, Ambassador?"

Shaking his head, Tudal scowled. "No, Prince Saboa. The document bears the official seal of all the elders and is on the official letterhead of the throne."

Restraining a smile of satisfaction, Aldous stepped away. Licking his lips nervously, the ambassador surveyed the room and murmured something to the mercenary on his left. Inhaling deeply, Tudal forced a smile. "Prince Saboa, I wish to address the Princess, if you'll allow it?"

Looking bored, Luther nodded. Tudal leveled me with his most authoritative stare. "Princess, you have a responsibility to your people to provide them with the next King."

"I'm well aware of my responsibilities, Ambassador."

"Good!" The ambassador held out his hand, and the mercenary handed Tudal some papers. "Then you will happily sign this contract agreeing to produce an heir of pure Avalonian blood and a daughter of the same to carry on the line. Once you have done so, you will be absolved of all responsibility to your people, and you can whore yourself to this monarch all you wish."

The council broke into an uproar. Luther merely held up his hand, and they quietened. "And who do you suggest be the stud to procure the future king, Ambassador?"

The Ambassador looked unsettled by Saboa's calm. "Why, the King, of course."

"So, you stand here spouting the values of tradition and purity, and yet what you are offering flies in the face of your tradition entirely?"

"You know nothing of our ways!"

Ignoring the ambassador's aggression, Luther continued. "As I understand it, the currently seated king does not procure the next heir. The male who studs the royal womb is not blood-related to either the throne or the Princess. Traditionally, a call goes out for a companion. Any male of power may present himself to the throne to be considered. The men are interviewed, and their natal scale is noted. A shortlist of candidates is presented to the Princess. She courts those men before choosing who will be her companion for life and the stud to her womb. Did I get any of that wrong?"

Absolutely livid at having our traditions thrown back in his face, Tudal clenched his fists around the contract. His face was the peach color of our people's rage. "That is correct."

"Good." Saboa stood, taking my hand in his. "Consider the Princess courted all the warriors presented before her, and she has chosen her companion and stud as your tradition dictates."

The ambassador stepped forward angrily. "We will not allow you to sully our throne with some half-breed bastard!"

When I took a step toward Tudal, enraged, Luther grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "Half-breed bastard? What do you think sits upon the throne of Avalonia already? Don't think I am ignorant to why you barbarians are shorter than the average Avalonian. Why you rely on brute strength instead of power you don't possess. Why you hire assassins to deal with us who hold true power."

"You are a disgrace to your people, Princess. You will open your legs for the one who killed your parents to gain your womb, but give your people not even a true heir!"

My anger was quickly boiling into something physical. "As opposed to letting the Barbarian who murdered two true blood kings rape me? I will choose eternity floating in the blackness of a starless system before I will ever willingly let that murderous thug touch a finger to my flesh again!"

"Stark!" Luther called, trying to pull me back while the Ambassador glanced around.
