Page 32 of Praldia

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Moving to him quickly, I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you, Luther. I can't bear to see another member of my family killed senselessly."

Removing my arms from him, Luther moved me back a step. "Hartwin told me as much. He said you threatened to harm him if he spilled their blood."

Swallowing, I looked away, ashamed. "He told you what happened?"

"Between the two of you? Yes." Unsure where his temper was, I stepped away from Luther. "Anberon told me you thought I had a woman with me the other night. I guess I should have realized that if you suspected I might have a lover in residence, then I certainly would in Cyra. I am not sure if one of the elite has let it slip in front of you; I guess that is not important. Hartwin assures me that he was comforting you. Your acceptance of my return confirmed it was not out of spite or of anything that could be harmful to our joining."

It hurt for Luther to acknowledge he had another lover at home. "I love him," I blurted. "I have since before I even came of age. He was my first crush, my first kiss; I would have had him as my first lover if he would have had me." Taking a breath, I lowered my voice. "I would have joined with him if he'd loved me." Jaw clenched, Luther just stood there watching me. Sighing, I fell back into the chair, tears stinging my eyes. "But he didn't."

For a long moment, the silence stretched out. Luther collected his die from the desk, weighing them in his hand. "I knew that day in the throne room that your heart belonged to someone else. When Hartwin admitted your friendship, I suspected there was something more behind it." He put the die back in their pouch, pinching it shut.

"Zira, I asked Hartwin to be there for you because I trust him. If you were to turn your affections or desire to any other man here, I would prefer it be him. He will always be honest with me. However, the children are to be mine, and your affair is not to take place while I am in residence."

I must have looked as shocked as I felt because Luther touched my chin gently to bring my focus back to him. "Cyrans do not have an issue with someone finding pleasure where it exists, Zira. I should not feel jealous about you desiring another man. Still, I admit to feeling slighted that your heart belongs to him, despite it being his first."

"I… Avalonians don't do this, Luther. I was upset last night. I'd never thought it possible or even considered it. It just happened, but I'm not sure that means it would happen again."

Luther gave a half-smile. "I never for a second believed it was your intention to seduce him, Zira." He moved towards the door. "You should rest."

"Luther." He stopped from opening the door, turning to face me. "My illness…" I reached forward, taking the book of conception from the corner of his desk, and looked at it with disbelief. "I tried to tell you earlier."

Taking a step back towards me, Luther looked from me to the book, his mouth falling open. "You are with child? That is what made you ill?" When I nodded, Luther looked at the book in my hands. "The night before I left?" This time when I nodded, he rounded the table, sweeping me up into an embrace. "By the stars, I thought it would be a few years yet."

"Me too. I didn't even realize I'd called to that ability. But Nyla is sure of it. Apparently, all of my symptoms indicate a double up."

Luther released me back enough to frown at me. "A double up?"

"You asked me to give you a son twice that night. The first time here" –I ran a hand over the edge of his desk— "and then again in bed."

Luther's eyebrows shot up to his hairline as his eyes fell to my belly. "She is sure it is two?"

"No." I gripped my hands together in front of me, letting my eyes drop to his chest, my natural eye level. "She says that my energy expenditure indicates two, but it could just be a conflict between our species. You're quite a bit bigger than me."

Concern radiated across Luther's face. Taking his hand quickly, I shook my head. "No, Luther, she doesn't think I'm in danger. Nyla said that while it is uncommon for Cyrans and Avalonians to join, it's not unheard of. There have been no complications for the mother. She believes that given the right sustenance, I should have no difficulties." With a sigh, I dropped my hands away. "That being if we can avoid any more physically exertive abduction attempts."

Luther turned to face the window. Waiting patiently, I watched his shoulders rise and fall slowly, indicating deep breaths. He was thinking quietly. "You could have told me out there with the others, but you wanted to tell me privately." He turned to face me. "You do not want anyone to know."

"No, I don't. I want this to stay between us and the medics right now. I fear that if the Barbarian finds out that I carry another's child, he will change his game plan and no longer be trying to abduct me."

"He will kill you instead?" Luther asked. When I nodded, he pulled me into him. "I will need to let Hartwin know since he is the captain of your guard, but we will keep it quiet from everyone else until there is no hiding it any longer. Hopefully, by then, this war will be over." Kissing my forehead, Luther held me tight until the doors slid open.

“Prince Saboa, Princess Zira.” Anberon closed the doors. "I have scanned all the residence. There was a listening device in your sitting room, office, and outer quarters which Hartwin found during his initial sweep the night of the attack. We have also found one in the throne room and one in the third floor's elite quarters. We believe the same person is responsible for placing all of them."

"Padget?" I asked, almost fearful of the answer. Anberon gave one stern nod then focused on Luther. "Why would she do this? What did she have to gain?" I queried in disbelief. She had seemed so loyal to her brother.

Luther rubbed my back. "I need to go deal with her. I have put it off all morning, but the evidence is piling against her. I need to hear her side of things." Tilting my chin up to him, Luther kissed me softly. "Go rest. I will call you down when your uncle arrives."

As Luther turned to leave, I reached out, capturing his hand. "If you need to talk or just be with someone after you've seen Padget, you know where I am." Rising up on my toes, I kissed him a little more passionately than he'd kissed me. "I won't ever betray you, Luther. I may not love you, but I've always admired, respected, and liked you."

Without waiting for a reply, I left the office. I didn't want to see the distrust in his eyes or undeserved admiration.


Two hours later, I was gripping the sheets on the bed in our room. Small whimpers leaked between my clenched teeth while Luther purged his frustrations at his sister's betrayal. When he entered the sitting room, Luther took me by the wrist and led me into the bedroom, shutting the doors. Thirty minutes later, his hands were still clamped around my wrists, pinning them to the mattress as Luther thrust his anger into me. The difference between his taking me with desire and with rage was that instead of moans, he roared ferociously.

Collapsing onto me finally, Luther shuddered violently, then both of us lay there panting. My dress was in ruins where Luther ripped it open down the back, and I think his uniform suffered the same fate. "Are you okay?" Luther asked while kissing my neck. Still breathless, I nodded. "Thank you for offering yourself up." Swallowing, trying to control my breathing, I almost moaned with relief when he rolled to the side. "Are you sure I was not too hard on you?"

"Not at all." I may not be able to walk right for the rest of the day, but the sex had been mind-blowing. Sitting up, I held the front of my tattered dress to me. "I'll need to eat again. Can you get someone to fetch me a snack while I wash and dress, please?"

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