Page 51 of Praldia

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"You were sick and passed out in the bath, Zira. That is not fine," Luther chastised.

"I'm Avalonian. I could lie at the bottom of that bath for hours and be fine. It was just too much, watching blood spill over a throne room floor again."

Stopping momentarily, Luther scowled and started pulling my robe around my wet naked frame. "I have to admit, I did not consider how that would affect you. However, you have to be able to stand through a sentencing, Zira. You are the Princess now. If the people see weakness…"

"As long as you are strong, Luther, it matters not. I have been your bleeding heart for eight years. The Praldian's love my compassion as they love your fierceness."

Picking me up, Luther carried me to the bed and settled me under the blanket. "You are to be the queen of your own people, Zira. You must be strong when needed."

Taking Luther's face in my palms, I stared into his eyes, even when his focus dropped to my lips. "Luther, do you not think that what that woman did to Padget was just a little too close to home for me?" Turning his face, Luther kissed the inside of my palm. "I am plenty strong. I am also plenty hungry. So, if we could have this lecture over food, I'd greatly appreciate it, and so would your sons."

The medics' arrival saved Luther from responding. "What happened?" Ellery was all business.

"I threw up and passed out." Then, sighing, I closed my eyes. "Now, I'm starving and exhausted."

The monitor covered my eyes. "When did this happen?"

"After I watched a woman beheaded in the throne room. My Elite got me back here in time to be sick, and then I fell into the bath. I'm not sure how long I was out."

"It took over an hour to finish up the sentencing of the four individuals caught for treason," Luther informed Ellery. "Hartwin pulled her out by then, but she was still unconscious when I returned."

"She's a child. She should not have been in the throne room," Nyla scolded.

"She is old enough to rule, and as my companion and the Princess, she needed to be present."

"And you know what she went through as a child," Nyla snarled. "You should have suspected it would affect her."

"Take care with your tone, Medic Nyla," Luther growled.

"Take more care with your companion, Prince Saboa." Nyla took a breath, toning her anger down a notch. "Avalonians do not easily carry multiple babes, Prince Saboa. It is a huge strain on the Princess's system to provide enough energy as it is. Any excess stress can result in a missfall of one or all the children she carries."

The silence filled the room for a few moments before Ellery broke it. "What did you tell the Broadcasters?"

"That the Princess is still weakened after the last abduction attempt and needed to rest," Luther was still using his ruling voice. "It only added to the people's support of today's sentencing."

"From this data, I would say the Princess had an anxiety attack. Medic Nyla is right. The stress overtaxed the Princess's body. We'll need to keep a close eye on her for the next two days," Ellery determined, removing the monitor.

Carrying a tablet, Hartwin came back into the room and handed it to Luther. Flicking through a few screens, Luther nodded. "It could be worse."

"What could be worse?" When I reached for the tablet, Luther gripped it tighter, having no intention of handing it to me, but Nyla snatched it out of his hands and threw it back to Hartwin.

"Prince or no, if you let that child ever see that broadcast, you'll find out why an Avalonian's natal scale determines if you can be a medic."

"I had no intention…"

"Prince Saboa," Nyla cut him off. Glaring at her, Luther actually took a menacing step towards her. "I understand why the public deserved to see what was in that box. But did you at all consider removing certain items to avoid your companion ever seeking it out?"

"It was you!" I whispered. "You're the one who sent the Prince the box, which resulted in Eliora and Tobias being charged for treason."

It suddenly all made sense. Luther said an employee gave them the box. Nyla was the only one who knew where my parents hid their private documents. As Nyla shrunk away a step, I blinked back the tears. What could have made her turn on my parents? It had to be something terrible. Taking a deep breath and turned pleading eyes to Luther. "What does everyone fear me seeing?"

Luther's stern features never wavered. "Medic Nyla, while out of line, is right, Zira. I will not risk our children by exposing you to something that does not matter now. That box is poisonous, and you are the only person in this room, and now possibly on this planet, who is untainted by it. And I will keep it that way." Turning his attention to the sitting room, Luther lifted his chin a little. "Elite Anberon?"

"My Prince?"

"Contact the Broadcasters. I want the wave containing all images and information of the treasonous box deleted permanently. It is not even to be kept in the archive. The public knows. That is enough. After that, I want the box permanently sealed before being sent to Cyra and placed in the King's vault."

"Luther!" I couldn't suppress the pain in my voice.
