Page 53 of Praldia

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"Does everyone think...?"

"That you are scared and the only people you truly trust are your companion and the captain of your guard? Yes, Princess. Everyone knows that. It makes your guard irate that you do not trust them as you should, but they hope, with time, that will improve."

There was more; you could see it in the set of Chas's shoulders, but Luther walked in, and we all let it go unsaid. I wondered if Chas thought Hartwin and I were lovers.

Sitting at the table, Luther opened his mouth, ready to say something, but then gave each of us a steady look. "Did something happen today?"

Clearing my throat, I wet my lips. "My elite have decided to try adapting some of the Avalonian ways when it comes to dealing with their Princess."

"The touching thing?" When I looked up at Luther, he continued to eat his meal. "Anberon told me. I think it was wise of Elite Chas to suggest it. Does it bother you, Zira?"

"No, I was just surprised by it."

Taking a scroll of seasoned dough from the center of the table, Luther returned to eating. When I put my fork down, Luther stood. "If you have finished eating, Zira, I am rather time-constrained currently."

Following Luther to our room, I started undressing while he closed the doors. "Your swim was longer than usual today." So, he noticed the times of my coming and going. "Is there something specific upsetting you?"

Breath hitching a little, I shook my head but couldn't hold back the tear that escaped down my cheek. "It's ridiculous. I just want to be touched and held. I feel so alone today." Blowing out a breath, Luther wrapped me in his arms. "I want more than you have time for." Caressing my cheek, Luther considered me silently, then kissed me as we fell to the bed.

* * *

Holding me to his chest,Luther stroked my hair while I listened to his heart beating. When the door started to open, Luther tensed. "Wait!" he ordered as he quickly retrieved my robe and covered me with it. "Come!"

Keeping his eyes on the ground, Anberon handed Luther a document. "Sorry, Princess, but it is time to leave. Your Elite are waiting in the outer quarters, my Prince."

Taking the document, Luther skimmed it as I slipped my arms into the robe and sealed it. I didn't want him to go. I either needed to be in his arms, or I needed to get out. The confinement was driving me insane.

Handing the document back to Anberon, Luther nodded. "Let me get dressed, and I will be right out."


"I know you need to be held right now, Zira. So I will ask Chas or Hartwin to come and lie with you."

"Actually, I was going to ask if you could knock me out." Studying me, he cocked his head to the side. Pursing my lips, I avoided looking at him. "I'm overly emotional and have nothing to distract me this afternoon. You won't be here, and we know what I'm like when I start to feel caged. So for my Elite's sake, I think it best if I spend the afternoon resting soundly."

Rubbing his hand along his jaw, Luther took a moment longer. Then, with a nod, Luther tucked me beneath the sheet and kissed me as his fingers wove into the hair of my scalp. "I will have them wake you for dinner."

"They can reverse it?"

Smiling in answer, Luther kissed me once more and applied pressure. A moment later, it was only darkness.

* * *

Blinking my eyes open,Jervaise sat beside me, smiling, his hands massaging my head. "Welcome back, Princess. Dinner is here." Pulling back, Jervaise handed me a glass of water. "You may want to drink this before standing."

Taking the glass, I drank quietly. When I finished, I handed the glass to Jervaise. "I think it's better to have it reversed than sleep it off."

"No headache this time?"

"Not so far."

Giving me a great smile, Jervaise held out his arm. Taking it, I let him help me to stand. "I think I might wash up before I eat tonight."

"As you wish, Princess. I will let the others know. Prince Saboa asked me to let you know he will not make dinner tonight."

Stopping in the bathroom doorway, I glared back at Jervaise. He threw up his hands. "Please don't wind the messenger, Princess." Then, with a chuckle, Jervaise stepped out of the room, closing the doors behind him.

When I stepped out to the inner quarters, I found three Elite waiting for me. Studying them all a moment, I huffed. "He's expecting me to have one of my tantrums, is he?" Erhaird, Jervaise, and Clovis just smirked as they rose and joined me at the dinner table. "Is he still in Fastlandet?"
