Page 55 of Praldia

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"Of course, the general public is not aware this is the queen's punishment, and so—" Clovis waved his panel at me with a sly smile.

Suddenly understanding, I laughed also. It was a double blow for the Queen. Jervaise stood to return to the couch next to Clovis when I caught sight of a capture on Clovis's screen.

"What is that?" I grabbed up my panel in time to freeze one of the newest stories. It was a capture of myself. An old capture. "King Saboa is overjoyed to hear that Prince Saboa and his Avalonian Princess are already expecting an heir," Clovis laughed. "Where do they get this nonsense from?"

"Princess? You are looking very pale. Do you need to sit down? Have a glass of water, maybe?" Then, having stood too quickly, my head spun a little, and my legs started to tremble beneath me. Taking my elbow, Jervaise observed me.

Watching me intently, Clovis sat the panel down. "It is nothing to worry about, Princess. It is just a gossip broadcast. No one believes anything they put out there."

"They believed the Queen's new hairstyle." Swallowing hard, I started walking for the outer quarters. My Elite didn't try to stop me; they just followed. When I started towards the Prince's office, Anberon stood to intercept me.

"Anber, let her go," Jervaise stepped forward to ensure my path wasn't blocked and handed Anberon the panel murmuring something quietly. Anberon cursed but returned to his seat.

In Luther's office, the men stood by the wall looking at electronic captures of blueprints. No one even noticed my presence until Vered, who was leaning on the car window looking decidedly bored, moved.

"Zira." He smiled and wrapped me in a hug. Then, when his eyes met mine, he stepped back. "You're upset?"

"Zira, I explained –" Luther began.

"You haven't eaten," I replied to my cousin; I could tell by his eyes. "Anberon?"

Anberon stepped into the room. Holding out my hand for the panel, which he handed over, I stepped back a step. "Arrange dinner for the men. My uncle and cousin are not Cyran and still need to eat."

"Yes, Princess."


"Luther." Moving forward, I handed him the panel frozen with the old picture of me and the news headline.

Giving me an annoyed look, Luther took the panel and reviewed it. "Enjoy your dinner, and I will meet you back here to continue afterward," Luther dismissed the men. Commander Stark closed the doors on the way out.

Sighing, Luther put the panel on his desk. "What do you want me to do, Zira? It is gossip and speculation. Everyone knows that and will not believe it until we confirm it. It is an old photo of you. You have not even worn that dress since the opening of the Fattigby school last year." Blinking in surprise, I tilted my head. Luther smirked. "Yes, Zira, I paid that much attention. Plus, that dress was not flattering and did make you look in the early stages of pregnancy."

Frowning, I shifted on my feet, suddenly self-conscious. Sighing when I started fidgeting with my dress, Luther threw the panel onto his desk, looking back to the wall. "I need to work, Zira. We are running out of time."


Luther appraised me sternly. "Remove your dress."

Swallowing hard, I did as he asked.

"And your undergarment."

Uncomfortable with this, I looked over my shoulder at the door.

Stepping closer, Luther caressed my cheek with his knuckles. "They will not come in until one of us open the door, Zira. Do as I ask."

Closing my eyes, I took a breath and let the slip fall to the floor with my dress.

"Two days ago, the dip between your hips could serve as a bowl. This morning, I noticed your abdomen has risen to be even with your hip bones. I expect that I will be able to cup your womb in my palm next week. Within another month, with even your more conservative clothing, it will be obvious to everyone you are carrying."

Closing the distance between us, Luther slid his hand over mine, where I'd started caressing my growing abdomen. While I'd noticed the physical change, I hadn't thought about how long it would take others to discern it.

Smirking, Luther tickled up my arm and tugged me that last inch to have me pressed against him. "Since you have dismissed my strategists." Taking me in his arms, Luther kissed me heatedly as he lowered me to the floor. When he kissed me low over my abdomen, I gazed up at the wall above me and finally recognized the blueprint.

"It's the Avalonian castle," I breathed through the pleasure his mouth bloomed. Stopping his ministrations, Luther glanced up to the blueprint, then rose to hover over me as he readied to enter me. Gripping his shoulders, I frowned. "It's wrong."

"Tell me in a minute." Luther susurrated before latching onto my neck like a bloodsucker.
