Page 59 of Praldia

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On my back, a few feet from the table, I looked up in time to see Luther pocket the amulet, a frown set between his eyes. "I did not know it would do that to her."

Anberon made a sound of disgust. "She has got power. You knew it was not just going to sit there and let her touch it either."

"That's the amulet Commander Stark wore the day he came to take me. That's more than a protection amulet."

"Yes. If you had tried to use your power against Commander Stark, it would have turned your power on itself," Luther educated. Collecting his uniform jacket, Luther sealed it before Medic Ellery burst through the door and knelt on the opposite side of Hartwin, taking my hand to examine it.

Cursing at the pain, I glared at Luther. "I see you are overly concerned about what happened as well!"

"You missed my concern during your unconsciousness, Zira. Once your eyes started to open, I was sure you would be fine. Medic Ellery will see to the burn on your fingers and ensure no harm has come to you." Luther's tone indicated it was his heirs he was worried may have been harmed. "I need to get to Apagrind as it is nearly nightfall there and a treacherous territory to traverse even in the light of day. Anberon."

Stepping around us, Luther left the room. Anberon stroked my cheek. "He does care for you, Princess. You need not look so doubtful." Rising, he followed his prince from the room.

"Bring her down the infirmary, Hartwin. I will have Nyla meet us, and she can check the Princess's health while I tend to her hand."

"We cannot do that, Ellery. She needs two Elite with her at least. If I take someone else, they will know." Hartwin lifted me into his arms.

"Fine, put her to bed, and I will bring what equipment I can with me." Ellery left the room as Hartwin carried me back into the bedroom and laid me down.

"What's in Apagrind, Hart?"

"An Avalonian sorcerer who made that protection amulet." Hartwin sat down on the bed, finger combing my hair away from my face. "Luther is going to procure more amulets."

"An Avalonian makes weapons against his own people?"

"Protection for others against his people. Though, he is smart enough to make the amulets useless against himself. They are also exceedingly expensive. Luther and his father are the only beings who have been able to afford one so far."

"Luther can't afford one for everyone."

"No, but he wants at least two of your elite protected, Zira. As do you, Ravid and Vered have power, but we will have to rely on our speed and strength. After how quickly we have seen you move when in danger, Zira, Luther is just covering his bases."

"It is ridiculous that he does not include me on the plans, Hart. I'm walking into battle right beside him. I should know everything they do."

Hartwin didn't respond, merely stroked a finger down the side of my cheek. Ellery and Nyla came into the room pushing a trolley before they shut the door. On the top shelf was what Ellery needed to treat the burns on my hand. Nyla pulled a cover from the lower shelf and removed the machine she'd used to confirm my pregnancy only a week ago. An audible groan escaped my lips at the sight of it.

"I know you don't like it, Zira, but we need to make sure no damage was done." Nyla frowned, pulling back the sheet. Hartwin stood to move away.

"Hart." I grabbed his hand. "Please?"

Kneeling by my shoulder, Hartwin turned his body towards my face, leaned over me, and put his mouth to my ear as Nyla bent my legs and got the probe ready. "Remember the day I came to tell you I was Elite?"

Of all the moments to bring up, he chose our last day as lovers. Nyla pushed the probe inside, and I tensed.

"I was so proud of being one of the youngest to ever make Elite, and you are the first person I wanted to tell. Every step I took towards our meeting spot became heavier and harder to take. Reality sank in. I knew I had to end things with you then. By the time I reached you, I felt like I had dragged my heart through a razor grass field back home in Cyra."

Tears ran down my cheeks, Hartwin's cheek pressed to mine as if he might absorb my tears through his skin. The device started buzzing, and I jumped. Only Hartwin's weight kept me on the bed.

"I have never forgotten the way your smile vanished when you saw me walking towards you. You started pleading with me before I even opened my mouth. You begged just to be mine in whatever way that could happen, as long as I did not turn you away."

The device stopped, and Nyla removed it, straightening my skirt, but Hartwin stayed where he was. "I never saw you smile again. Not when I was assigned to watch your estate, not on any of the captures of you doing your charity work. Never again. Never how you used to. Maybe when this is over, Luther will remind you how to truly smile again."

Lifting away, Hartwin kept his face turned away, but I could see the tears in his eyes. Standing, he went into the bathroom before anyone else could talk to him.

"Everything is fine with your babies, Zira. Don't stress." Nyla patted my good hand as she pulled the sheet back up.

Taking her place beside me, Ellery started tending to my burns. "You look very tired, Princess."

"I am, Medic Ellery. As soon as you are done, I will be going back to sleep." I cringed at the discomfort as he applied a salve.
