Page 61 of Praldia

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Kneeling there, I cried for several minutes. What would Luther think when he came home? The damage and Utz’s blood would make it apparent there was a fight and that Utz was injured, with both of us now missing. Hartwin said they tracked every transportation so they’d find Utz. Still, this heat and the swamps, the bugs would ravage his corpse quickly.

Luther would most likely think I’d been taken, so I’d have to find a way to get word to him. But, first, I needed to find a safe place, somewhere out of Luther’s reach. If Luther found me now, he’d just force me back to the palats surrounded by guards I couldn’t trust now.

Drying my tears, I sucked in several calming breaths. I couldn’t stay here. There was no telling what time Luther would get back, or when the Elite would wake and realize what occurred, or if the people Utz sold his loyalty for could find me. A safe place. That was my first priority. Then, I would need sustenance, or none of it was going to matter.

Gaining my feet, I stumbled through the long grasses and rolled Utz onto his back. Dead eyes stared up at me. Blinking away tears for a life wasted, I closed his eyes and put my hand to his head as I prayed for his transfer to the next life.

It was midday, and the heat of summer was unbearable out here in the marshes, but with only my robe on, it was more manageable than in clothing. Grabbing the dagger with both hands, I used my foot to brace and pulled it from his body. This was not a weapon I needed in the wrong hands. It would come with me, and I would hide it where no one could find it.

Ripping Utz’s shirt free, I used the material to wrap the blade as I walked to the edge of the waterway. The reserve was on a minor river that started in the wetlands and flowed out to sea. Getting my bearings, I immersed myself in the water and sank well below the surface. I didn’t dare dissipate this time. I’d need my clothing at the other end.

…To be Continued in Cyra.

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Cyra Preview

Book 2: Chaos Star Trilogy

It was hours passed sunset when I dragged my body onto the jetty out front of the darkened cabin. Lying there exhausted for a moment, I fought the need to just close my eyes and sleep. I'd been attacked again, this time by an Elite Guard.

Flashes of Utz as he tried to kidnap me played in my head. How long had it been? Was Luther, my companion and guardian, home yet? Had he discovered the betrayal of one of his closest guards? It didn't matter. I couldn't go back to the palats. I couldn't trust those who were meant to protect me.

Trying to get up, I groaned with weakness and lethargy. I'd gone nearly the entire day without food or sustenance, something my body would have struggled with without two other lives needing to be sustained inside me. The thought of my unborn children drove me to my feet, and I stumbled down the well-maintained jetty to the familiar cabin door.

Searching my fingers above the door frame, I found the key and managed to still my shaking hands long enough to get the door open and lock it behind me. I scrounged around in the dark to find the lantern, blowing across the top to activate the light within. Sitting at the table, I continued to breathe on the lamp until the carbon from my lungs was sufficient enough to make the lamp burn bright enough to see the entire inside of the cabin.

It had been years since I'd been to the cabin. My need to keep my lovers secret from the general public, to keep my reputation untarnished in the eyes of the Praldian people and their archaic ideas about females and sex before taking a companion once made it a regular stop for me. This cabin belonged to the Cyran trader, who taught me much more than how a Cyran liked to tumble between the sheets.

Using the table to support me, I made my way to the food locker and opened it hoping the cabin was still in use. Luckily for me, it was only recently by the looks of the food inside. I didn't bother with preparing a proper meal. I merely grabbed and ate until I couldn't eat anymore. Then I pulled out a bottle of clear water and drank it dry.

Once I did all I could to see to the health of my offspring, I crawled over to the bed, removed my wet robe, and slipped into the sheets. I was asleep before my next exhalation.

* * *

"The Queen be thrown into a black hole!"

Blinking up into the Cyran face above me, I tried to raise myself to sit but couldn't. Whimpering, I fell back onto the bed.

"You're safe, Princess, do not try to move yet. Let me silence the alarm, and I will be back."

I should have known Ethelred would have his cabin alarmed. Moving to a power box, he flicked a switch and shut the door before pulling out a comms unit. "It's Ethelred, passkey lax faller. It is just a false alarm. Yes, a kattdjur got in through a hole in the wall. Thank you."
