Page 31 of Hidden Mate

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“Don’t move, Hutch; people can still see you, but not your face. Blink your eyes twice if you’re all right,” said Doc.

Hutch did as he was told. “He won’t hurt her, right?” whispered Hutch.

“No; that was a quick and effective show. I wasn’t quite sure that we hadn’t all been played somehow until you blinked.”

There was a hard rap on the door before it opened. “Morty’s here with the stretcher and body bag,” said Colby.

Morty moved past Colby and set the stretcher down along with the body bag. “Is he dead, Doc?”

“I don’t usually call for a body bag for the live ones,” Doc answered.

“Oh, yeah, I didn’t think that through. Damn, who’s going to run the bakery now?”

“We have bigger concerns right now than that, Morty. For instance, why did a woman who is virtually a stranger kill our baker?” asked Jax.

“And she had skill, too,” said Doc. “That was no random stab; the girl knew what she was doing.”

Once Morty had left and Colby had closed the door, Doc and Jax moved him into the body bag. He followed their instructions to just remain inert and limp. They zipped up the bag, which was an eerie feeling but gave him plenty of room to breathe.

“Good thing he isn’t claustrophobic,” said Doc. “I don’t know that I could do that.”

Jax chuckled. “Get Colby, Doc. He and I will carry the body; we’ll follow you to the clinic.”

Doc went and got Colby and then held the door as Colby and Jax lifted him. They moved through the door.

“Smart thinking, Betty,” Doc said.

“Derek called me and said there was a body. I thought having the van would keep you from having to carry him. Is it really Hutch? Is he really dead? That’s stupid. Of course, he’s dead, and I’m sure you know who you have in there.”

“That’s all right, Betty,” said Doc soothingly. “It’s been quite a shock for all of us.”

* * *


The mole watched from the shadows of the alley. She’d done it. She’d managed to get the threat to their great endeavor, as the Master called it, eliminated. No doubt she would be told to kill herself.

The phone in his pocket vibrated. He fished it out and brought it to his ear.

“Is it done?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, there was blood everywhere. They put him in a body bag and are taking him to the morgue. They also took her away. Are you sending someone to kill her?”

“Why on earth would I do that? She has proven her loyalty and devotion to me and the cause. She will be rewarded upon her return to Lundy Island. But she’s going to need help getting out of that jail. Didn’t you tell me they just lock it up and leave it at night?”

“Normally, yeah, but I can’t see them doing that with having a killer locked up. But they’ll probably have to leave her alone from time-to-time.”

“Good. I need to get her some clothes, footwear, and a weapon. I’ll have all of them delivered to your truck just after dark. Wait until the coast is clear and then slip into the jail and leave the package with her. My good girl will know how to get out.”

“Yes, Master.”

All day he felt fidgety. On the one hand, the Master was finally trusting him with something. On the other hand, getting caught trying to help her could get him arrested or dead. If the Master trusted him, he would trust the Master and do his bidding.

After nightfall, he found the package in his truck and then went to the sheriff’s office. Most townspeople knew where they hid the extra key to the front door. When Derek had gone out on patrol, he snuck into the office and then into the back where the cells were located.
