Page 70 of No Pucking Way

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And apparently they understood that fact since that guy over there with no neck and three strands of hair on his head had just bid ten thousand dollars for a date with a beautiful redhead.

I drifted around, handing out champagne as the auctioneer's voice, commanding and charismatic, boomed through the room, driving the bidding wars to greater heights.

I tried not to look where the guys were sitting, not wanting to know if they were bidding on any of the girls, but my gaze kept darting over anyway.

They seemed…bored almost, picking at their salad and talking amongst themselves, seeming to pay no attention to the girls on the stage.

That doesn’t mean anything, Kennedy. You saw them leave with girls just the other night, I tried to remind myself.

Didn’t stop the thrill of satisfaction every time I saw them so uninterested though.

I’d just gone to grab a tray of bread baskets when I saw my boss, Todd, searching the crowd of people, his cheeks flushed and a pinched, panicked look in his eyes. When his gaze fell upon me, his eyes lit up with a mixture of relief and desperation.

"Kennedy," he said, his voice filled with urgency, "I need a favor."

I nodded, eager to help out in any way I could. "Of course, what’s up?"

He took a deep breath, clearly hesitant about what he was about to ask. "We're short on volunteers for the auction," he explained, "and it's for such a good cause—helping abused kids. We need as many participants as we can get to raise money for them."

I tensed, hoping the conversation wasn’t heading where I thought it was. I’d gladly start soliciting women on the streets to be in the auction as long as I—

"I need you to be in the auction, Kennedy," he implored. "Please, the goal is to getallthe kids at that shelter’s lunches paid at school, and get them clothes, toys, and bikes."

I glanced over right as a blonde stepped out in a long emerald gown, her golden hair done in soft waves down her back. I compared that to the uniform I was wearing.

I smelled like stuffed mushrooms.

I was sure of it.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment just thinking of being auctioned off in my current state. I would be a laughingstock.

Even more than I had been after coming on a stranger’s leg because of a dirty dream.

“Look at this picture,” Todd pleaded when I continued to hesitate, tugging a photograph out of his pocket. The cutest little boy with soulful blue eyes, and tousled black hair stared back at me from the picture.

“This isn’t fair,” I growled, feeling like he’d just declared war on my emotions. I was a sucker for helping little kids. I’d basically doanythingif it helped them.

I threw back my head and sighed. Todd was already smiling in victory when I finally glanced at him.

“I’ll do it.”

“You’re a goddess, Kennedy,”

“Right,” I said, giving him a weak smile, dread already pulsing through me.

He started to push me to the side of the room, towards the hallway that led to the rooms where the other participants had gotten ready.

“Is there a dress I can borrow?” I hissed. I glanced over at the guys. Because I had a problem, obviously. They were staring at me, confused, and I shrugged my shoulders before turning back to Todd.

“Ummm, I have no idea,” he said sheepishly.

“Todd!” I said, my voice coming out in a squeak. “I’m not going on that stage in my uniform.”

“You look great,” he cajoled, a big fat liar face if there ever was one. “I promise!” he said as he pushed me towards a haughty looking woman with an earpiece who eyed me like I was a bug she wanted to be as far away from as possible.

“I hate you,” I spit at Todd as my full freak out commenced. He blew me a kiss and hustled away.

“You’re the volunteer?” she asked disdainfully, her nose actually wrinkling up as she stared at my uniform.
