Page 91 of No Pucking Way

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Greyson’s home was a blend of modern design and rustic charm. Set against a backdrop of lush greenery, the building was a mix of stone and wood that gave it a warm and inviting appearance. Large, arched windows framed in wrought-iron grilles added character and made it more welcoming looking, while climbing vines crept up the walls, lending a touch of natural beauty. There was a meandering stone pathway that led up to the mansion's entrance, where there was a massive wooden door with intricate carvings. The entire estate was rustic elegance, as if it had grown organically from the surrounding landscape.

I actually loved it.

I glanced at Greyson, startling when I saw how intensely he was staring at me.

“What do you think?” he asked, and it kind of felt like my answer was a matter of life or death.

“I’m thinking you’re a strange kidnapper,” I mused. “But your home is gorgeous.”

“Ourhome,” he said with a wink as the car came to a stop. “Someday this is going to be your home.”

Why did all the super hot ones have to be crazy? At least that’s what Carrie would say if she was here.

Greyson gracefully exited the vehicle before holding out his hand to help me out. I was very aware of his gaze caressing my skin as I extended my leg out of the car. A similar reaction to my dress’s slit as Carter had.

Something told me he probably wouldn’t appreciate that comparison.

Greyson pulled on me a little too hard, causing me to fall forward against his chest.

I tried to push away—since he’d just kidnapped me. But his arms held me tight. “I might not like that you wore this dress for another man, sweetheart. But you’re gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. You took my breath away when I saw you.”

I stared into his ice blue eyes.


This man was extremely complicated.

“I don’t know what to say when you tell me things like that, after what you’ve done tonight.”

He smirked, a crazy gleam in his gaze. “I think I can convince you to forgive me.”

“I doubt that,” I murmured, ignoring how damp my underwear felt all of a sudden.

Greyson’s grin only widened, but he allowed me at least a little space, choosing to grab my hand instead of my whole body and leading me towards the house.

My steps slowed as I noticed the men in suits situated along the perimeter of the house.

“My private security,” he said casually when he noticed where I was staring. “They know better than to talk to you.”

“Private security. Right,” I murmured. I hadn’t noticed any security people in our other…interactions.

So this was new.

“Come on, pretty girl.”

“You’re lucky I’m not screaming for help,” I told him as he pulled me towards the side entrance in front of us.

He gave an exaggerated head nod towards the security goons, effectively pointing out that even if I did scream—nothing was going to come of it.

“Touché,” I muttered.

But right as I was about to follow him into the house, he swept me up in his arms and walked through the door.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

He laughed, a happy, boyish grin on his face that took my breath away for a second. “I’m carrying you over the threshold. This is going to be your home someday soon—so it seemed fitting.”

“You’re insane.”
