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“Well, it’s good that you’re finally learning to cook. What about your job? Have you sold anything yet?”

Her mother’s timing couldn’t possibly be worse. “I almost had two sales this week, but they both fell through,” Sophie admitted.

Her mother was quiet for a moment. “I don’t know how people can work on all commission. That seems ridiculous. Maybe they will give your old job back to you if you ask them? Or you could always temp again?”

Sophie felt the beginning of a stress headache. “Mom, it takes most agents a while to get going. I did close an apartment rental, so I’ll get some commission on that. And even if I were to make a sale today it would still be three months on average before I’d see a commission check. I’m looking at the big picture here and just working hard.”

“Three months! I really think you should reconsider this job. I never pictured you in a sales role.”

Sophie hadn’t either. But she didn’t want to admit that to her mother.

“Mom, I’m fine. I don’t spend a lot and with the rent money from Caroline and Tessa and Aunt Penny’s bank account, I can manage for at least a year even if I don’t make any sales. It’s the perfect time for me to try this.”

Her mother sighed. “Well, you know what I think. I only want the best for you.”

“I know. Please tell Dad I said hi.”

“I will.”

“I should run, Mom. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Sophie ended the call feeling exhausted. She’d already been full of doubts. But in a strange way, having the conversation with her mother strengthened her resolve to keep going. She really wanted this to work out and for her mother to see that she could be successful in real estate sales.

Max texted her later that afternoon around three.

Are you still up for Murders at 7? If so, do you want to come here? I don’t think I’m in the mood for a lot of people.

Sophie smiled. She didn’t blame him for not wanting to be grilled by Tessa again. And she was curious to see his apartment. So far, he’d always come to her aunt’s place.

Sure, what can I bring?she texted back.

Nothing. Or maybe wine. I’ll get pizza if that works?

Perfect. See you at 7

“I’m heating up the leftover lasagna, do you want some?” Caroline asked a little before seven. They’d had a lazy afternoon, doing laundry and watching TV after Caroline’s and Tessa’s boyfriends went home.

“I’ll have some,” Tessa said. She was sprawled out on the sofa, reading a magazine.

“I’m actually heading over to Max’s. We’re getting pizza and watchingMurders,” Sophie said.

Tessa sat up and she and Caroline exchanged looks. “He usually comes here for that,” Tessa said. “Did you change your mind about going after him?”

Sophie laughed. “Not at all. I just think he’s still kind of down. He wasn’t up for being around everyone.”

Caroline nodded. “I’d probably feel the same. I’ll save you a piece of lasagna. You can have it tomorrow.”

“Thank you.”

Sophie grabbed the bottle of Austin Hope that Max had brought over the night before. She walked down the hall to Max’s apartment and knocked twice.

He came to the door a moment later and smiled when he saw her and the wine. He was wearing sweats and his hair was still a little damp from a recent shower. When he smiled a dimple popped in his left cheek and Sophie wondered why she’d never noticed that before.

“Come on in. Thanks for bringing the wine.”

She smiled. “I thought it seemed appropriate as we never got to it last night. And I know it goes really well with pizza.”

He laughed. “I think it goes pretty well with just about everything.”
