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Russ looked pleased by the number. He nodded. “That’s about what I suspected. I’ve been looking at the recent sales data. So, I’d like to make them a good offer. And hopefully you can sell mine, too and we’ll all be happy!” Russ was in a fantastic mood and Sophie was thrilled for him. He wrote out a check for the deposit and promised to read over the paperwork and send it back by email right away.

“Are there any offers on it yet?” he asked somewhat nervously.

Sophie had asked Sue the same question earlier. “No, not yet. But there’s a lot of interest and an open house scheduled for this coming weekend.”

Russ frowned. “I don’t want that to happen. How can I stop it?”

“If you were to offer asking price, they would most likely accept and cancel the open house. If you offer a bit less, there’s a chance they will accept, but they might also want to hold off and see how it goes at the open house.”

Russ thought for a minute. “Okay, I don’t want to play any games. I’ll give them what they want. The price seems fair based on similar recent sales.”

Sophie agreed. She also knew the lower price points were the ones that were more in demand and more likely to have multiple bid situations. “It is. That is what I would recommend, Russ.”

“Okay, here you go then.” He handed her a check.

“I’m heading back to the office now and I’ll get the offer paperwork over to you shortly,” Sophie said.

When they stepped out of the apartment into the hall, Russ turned to head to the elevator and go up to his unit on the ninth floor. He’d said his goodbyes but after taking a few steps, he turned back, an anxious look on his face.

“Do I have anything to worry about? You think they will take the offer?” Sophie wanted to give him a hug and assure him that he had nothing to worry about. But she couldn’t do that, and she knew that there was always the chance that a better offer might come in. But his odds were very good.

“I wouldn’t worry just yet. I think your chances are excellent! We’ll keep our fingers crossed for good news very soon.”

Chapter Forty-Four

Sophie called Sue on her way back to the office.

“What did he think?” Sue asked.

“He loved it and wants to make an offer. He’s nervous that someone else is going to come along and get it. Does he have anything to worry about?” Sophie asked.

“Well, there is a good bit of interest, but no offers yet. It depends on how strong his offer is. If it’s below asking, they will probably want to hold off and see what happens at the open house.”

“That’s what I told him. If he offers full asking, do you think that will get it done?” Sophie asked. She felt a bit anxious too. She wanted to make the sale, but she wanted Russ to get the home that he wanted.

“I’m pretty sure they will accept that. I’ll call to let them know an offer is coming.”

Five minutes later, Sue called back. “They’re excited. They said if he offers their asking price, they will accept.”

“Great!” Sophie finished the paperwork and emailed it off to Russ for him to review and electronically sign and return to her. Less than an hour later, she had the signed offer letter back and forwarded it to Sue.

And at a quarter to five, Sue walked in the office with a big smile. Caroline and Tessa were the only other two in the office. It was Tessa’s afternoon to be the agent on duty and Caroline had just finished a showing and popped back in the office. Tessa was in Rick’s office leaning against his desk and they were both laughing. It was the end of the day, and the mood was light.

“Congratulations! Russ just got his house,” Sue said.

“Yay! I’ll call him with the good news.” Sophie made the call and Russ picked up on the first ring.

“You heard something?” he asked.

“You got it! Congratulations, Russ.”

There was a long moment of silence and then a chuckle. “Well, isn’t that something. Thank you, Sophie. You just made an old man’s day. I’ll call you next week and we can discuss having you see if you can work your magic and sell this place for me.”

“I’d love that, Russ. Thank you!”

When Sophie ended the call, she looked up and saw Rick and Tessa had walked out of the office.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” Rick said. “Go ring that bell. Both of you!”
