Page 112 of Yours Actually

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“You went a little overboard,” I carry on.“Did you buy an entire store?”

“I came fucking close.”

This man.

He’s taken every moment he could over the last few weeks to show me how important I am to him.He even came home from work three nights ago and told me he’ll go to therapy with me if I want him to.I was speechless, because I hadn’t asked that of him and also because Callan has always insisted that nothing would convince him to go to therapy.When I asked him what brought this on, he told me he’s been doing a lot of thinking about couples making a choice to work for happiness.

We make it to our suite and when I walk into the bedroom, I find a laptop with a big red bow tied around it sitting on the bed.

“Is this a gift?”I ask him, confused because I don’t need a new laptop.


“Ah, thank you, but you know I just bought a new laptop a couple of months ago.”He spent a day pointing out all the reasons I needed to upgrade my old laptop, so I’m unsure why he’s forgotten this.

“I know, but I want you to put on your glasses and get all nerdy with me while we look at what’s on that computer.”

I try not to laugh.“Is this a new kink of yours?”My eyes go wide.“Oh my god, is this a porn computer?”

“What the fuck is a porn computer?”

“I don’t know.I’m making shit up as I go here, but it would not surprise me if you had a computer dedicated to filthy porn.”

“I don’t need a computer of porn, Ace.I’ve got you and your filthy mouth.”

“I still wouldn’t put it past you to—”


I blink at what I hear in his voice.

Hereallywants me to put my glasses on and get all nerdy with him.

“Okay, okay, just let me take out my contacts.”

Five minutes later, I’ve got my glasses on and am sitting on Callan’s lap on the couch in the living room.“Are we planning a trip?”I say as I untie the bow and slide the ribbon from the computer.“Is that what’s on here?Plans for a vacation together.”

He kisses my neck as his hands settle on my stomach.“Not yet, but we should.”

“Where would we go?”I open the laptop.

“I’d like to see Australia after hearing your parents talk about it.”

I’m only vaguely listening to him now because I’ve found what he wants me to look at on this laptop and my heart is beating so loudly it’s almost all I can hear.

“Callan,” I whisper.

“Liv,” he whispers back.

“Oh my god.”

It’s a spreadsheet titledOlivia & Callan.

A spreadsheet that he’s made.

A spreadsheet with columns titledReasons To Get Married,Reasons To Stay Single, andAll The Ways Your Husband Would Love You.

He has meticulously filled out each column.
