Page 40 of Yours Actually

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Olivia has never been more beautiful and I’ve never been more bewitched.I can’t take my eyes off her tonight.And I’m fast moving toward being unable to keep my hands off her too.

We’ve been dancing for a half hour, possibly longer, and she’s so fucking radiant.She’s wearing a pink strapless dress that is fitted down to the waist where it billows out into a ruffled skirt.Strappy silver heels complete her outfit, but what really finishes the look so stunningly is her glow.Every inch of her is lit up with happiness and she exudes the kind of confidence that makes it look like she owns the dancefloor.

I’m not the only guy who thinks so.

Three men have tried to dance with her but she’s made it clear to all of them that she’s with me, and hell if I don’t like that.It’s not lost on me that I’m feeling a level of possessiveness I’ve never felt.I have no idea what I would have done if she’d said yes to any of those guys.

When the current song ends and the next one starts, her eyes blaze brightly and she reaches for me.Her fingers curve around my waist and she pulls me close.“I love this song!”

I lean my mouth down to her ear as my hand finds her hip.“You love every song.”

She laughs and her eyes sparkle some more.“Not true!If they suddenly started playing that country music you love, I’d evacuate the dancefloor.”

“It was one song, Ace.”This is what I get for turning up the sound on a country song once while we were driving home from a weekend away.She’s never let me forget it.

Her grin is infectious.“That’s what you say.I think you listen to country in secret because you’re ashamed.”

I smile as I shake my head.“Keep it up and I’ll be sure to treat you to country all the way to the Catskills next month.”

Her fingers dig into my waist as she tightens her hold on me.“Maybe I won’t drive with you.I might go with Kristen and Bradford.”

“If you think I’ll allow you to drive with anyone but me, you’re dreaming.”

A subtle blush spreads across her cheeks and surprise sparks in her green eyes.“Are you trying to boss me, Callan Black?”

“I’m not trying.Iambossing you.”

I can’t be sure because it’s difficult to hear over the music, but I would swear her breath hitched.

I spot Larissa on the edge of the dancefloor.“Larissa is watching us, so we need to convince her that you like me more than you like Ricardo.”

“Oh my god!”The blush on her cheeks turns a deeper shade of pink.“Ididtell you about Ricardo!I wasn’t imagining that!”

So, she does remember this.I’ve wondered all week if she recalls more about last Saturday night than she’s let on.“What else do you remember?”

She hesitates before confessing, “I think I told you about my Spanish fantasy.”There’s uncertainty in her gaze.Maybe some nervousness.Liv doesn’t openly discuss her sex life, not even with me.I get some of the details but I realized last weekend just how much she hasn’t shared with me.“Did I?”


Her vulnerability and softness turn me on.

“Yeah, you did.”My mouth brushes her ear.“And it was hot as hell.”

This time, I clearly hear her intake of breath and it reminds me of what I’m putting at risk here.

I didn’t intend on flirting with her like this tonight.Hell, I left our suite earlier intent on sleeping on the couch and continuing my denial of whatever this is between us.But somewhere between then and now, I veered off track.I think it was the moment she smacked me during our conversation and told me I started the weekend off well when I arranged her massage.It was such an insignificant moment but I was suddenly aware of my desire for more like it.

I want to share hotel rooms with her; make plans together; ensure she’s always got everything she needs; and banter with her so I can encourage her eye rolls and playful responses.

I want to be the man who doesn’t ignore her stomach grumbling with hunger.The man who fills a thousand plates of food for her.

But I am my father’s son in more ways than one and who’s to say I wouldn’t take what Liv and I could have and fuck it up?

She pulls her head back and stares up into my eyes, slowing time between us.There’s a question in her eyes and I know exactly what it is because it’s the same one I’m wrestling with.What’s happening here?

I suck in a breath when her hand moves around from my waist and skims over the edge of my abs.
