Page 55 of Yours Actually

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I’m staring into my best friend’s eyes when the song ends.The crowd is going wild.Women are screaming Callan’s name.I’m breathless and more turned on than I have ever been.And Callan’s looking at me like he wants todevourme.

The emcee walks onto the stage and says something.I’m so lost in Callan’s eyes that I have no idea what that is.Thankfully, Callan takes charge and ushers me off the stage.We head toward our seats, but instead of sitting to watch the rest of the performances, Callan guides me out of the after-party tent.

He holds my hand tightly in his and doesn’t stop walking until we reach the elevator to go up to our suite.He jabs at the call button and the doors slide open.A second later, we’re inside, but we’re not alone.We stand at the back of the elevator and don’t say a word.

Every second is torture.

If the way Callan’s hand firmly grips mine is anything to go by, I think he feels the same.

The elevator finally reaches our floor and we exit.We’re now alone and barely make it four steps down the corridor before Callan’s got me in his hands and is forcing me against the wall.

“I can’t wait another second to kiss you,” he growls, his eyes all over mine.

He does wait another second, though, and I think he’s waiting for me to signal that he should not.I grip his shirt and I see it in his eyes that that’s all he needed.

We collide, Callan’s lips crashing down onto mine with an intensity that takes my breath away.He hungrily devours me, his tongue sliding over mine, exploring, and claiming me.

We’re wild.





As he deepens our kiss, he lets go of my face.He grinds his erection against me and groans while his hands roam my body.When he cups my breasts, he tears his mouth from mine and growls, “Fuck,” while looking down at what he’s doing.“Fuck, Liv, you’re fucking perfect.”

I thread my fingers through his hair when he bends to kiss the swell of my breasts.I curl a leg around his body and arch my back while the pleasure he’s giving works its way through my body.


This is everything I’ve ever wanted.

He spends an inordinate amount of time with my breasts, kissing and caressing me, and I die for every second of it.

I moan when he pushes my dress down so he can suck one of my nipples into his mouth.“Oh fuck…” I’m breathless with need.“That feels so good.”I squeeze my eyes closed and pull his hair.I don’t think anything has ever felt as good.

He cups both my breasts and splits his time between them before lifting his face.“We need to move this to our room, or else you’re going to be naked against this wall in the next minute.”

The door of our suite isn’t even closed behind us before Callan has me against the wall again.He reaches behind me and unzips my dress.A second later, the gown falls to the floor and my bra isn’t far behind it.And then Callan’s mouth and hands are back on my breasts.

Oh, god.

I want to do so many things to him right now but I’m a hot mess of need and am struggling to figure out where to begin.I start with his shirt buttons, but my fingers can’t move fast enough to satisfy that desperation.Before I can stop myself, I just rip his shirt open, to hell with preserving the buttons.

This gets Callan’s attention.He lifts his face from my breasts, eyeing me with a look of extreme approval.Then, he’s got one arm under my legs and one around my back, and he’s carrying me into the bedroom as he says, “That’s how a shirt should be removed.”

He throws me onto the bed and then watches as I move myself up the mattress while waiting for him to join me.His eyes areall over me.“I feel like our first time should be slow and meaningful, but fuck me, Ace, I don’t think I have slow in me.”

Our first time.

“Our second time can be slow.”

His eyes find mine as his hands go to his trouser button.“Every time I imagined this moment, I took my time with you.”

Holy fuck.
