Page 64 of Yours Actually

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“You really do.Have you humped anything today?”When I just roll my eyes at her, she says, “What time is Callan getting home today?”

“I don’t know.He was aiming for around four p.m., but he’s been delayed.”

“Let’s hope for your sake that he’s not delayed until tomorrow.You really might start mounting guys on the street.”

Thankfully, Sasha joins us at this very moment, saving me from more humping and mounting talk.

She slides onto the seat next to Blair across from me and says, “Okay, I want all the details from the weekend and if you leave anything out, I will not be happy.Rhodes has injured his dick and is out of action at the moment, so I’m—”

“You’re in heat too,” Blair says.

Sasha looks at her very seriously and nods.“Exactly.I need to live vicariously through Liv.”

“Dare I ask what happened to Rhodes’s dick?”Blair asks.

“I’m wondering that too,” I say.“It’s unlike Rhodes to let anything get in the way of sex, so it must be bad.”

“He jerked himself off a little too hard to a photo I sent him.The doctor thought he’d fractured it at first,” Sasha says.

I blink.“That’s possible?From jerking off?”

“Apparently so,” Sasha says.

“Holy shit,” I say.

“Okay,” Sasha says, “Enough about Rhodes’s dick.Tell me all about sex with Callan.”

Discussing our sex lives is something the three of us have always done.I’ve never kept details from them but I’m suddenly feeling very protective of Callan and the sex we had.

I glance between the two of them.“It was the best sex of my life.”

Sasha leans forward.“And?”

Blair reads me perfectly.“And she doesn’t want to share the details.”Her voice softens.“And you shouldn’t, Liv.Not if you don’t want to.”

I smile gratefully at her.“I don’t think I want to.Not yet anyway.”

“Ugh,” Sasha says, but her expression says she understands.“I may actually have to resort to watching porn.”

I laugh.

Blair looks stunned.“You don’t watch porn?”

“I don’t need porn,” Sasha says.“Rhodes never leaves me alone.”

I nod.“That is true.”

My phone sounds with a text and I check it, hoping it’s from Callan.

“Was that lover boy?”Blair asks.

I look up from my cell.“No, it was from Mom.”

“Where are they now?”Sasha asks.My parents have just left on a two-month trip visiting Australia and New Zealand.

“Auckland.”I frown as I read another text from her.“She just saw the news about some stocks she knows I have.”

“What news?”Blair asks.
