Page 87 of Yours Actually

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Trust me.That man is all yours.I’m all Gage’d out.

I laugh.

Gage is a lot of man to handle.That is for sure.But underneath all that, he’s a pussycat.He just has to be managed.And since managing the Black brothers is what I’ve been doing for years, I have zero doubt Gage will take part in our board game night.He grumbles about it every single time we go away, but he always ends up playing.And he always ends up enjoying himself.Men.

* * *

I arrive at Kristen’s and Bradford’s condo at seven p.m.and am struck again by the opulence of their home.I’m not sure I could live in such luxury.I don’t think I’d want to touch anything.One of my favorite things about Callan is that while he could afford a home like this, complete with full-time staff, he chooses to live more lowkey.

“Olivia!”Kristen says.“I’m so glad you came.”She welcomes me in and leads me into the grand salon where Bradford is sitting on a sofa talking with Beckett Pearce and his wife, Jenna.

“You know my sister, don’t you?”Kristen asks as Jenna greets me with a smile.

“Yes, we met at your wedding.”I look at Jenna.“It’s good to see you again.”

Bradford eyes me as I sit on the sofa across from him.“I heard today was hell.You okay?”

“I’m angry over the entire situation, but I’m okay.”

He rests his arm across the back of the sofa as Kristen slides in next to him.“Well, between Hayden and my wife, I imagine things will turn around soon.”

He clearly hasn’t heard about Callan’s outburst over the phone this afternoon to know he should have added Callan’s name to that list.

Kristen rests her hand on his thigh as she says to me, “I heard back from that Instagram account after my message.She’s removed that post, thanks to Hayden I’m guessing.”

“Good.”I haven’t bothered checking again this afternoon.I was too worked up over it all.

“I’ve never known her to post content that wasn’t true,” Kristen continues.“So it surprised me to see the post about you.I asked her where she got her info, and while she didn’t share that with me, I think she’s aware now that whoever it was can’t be trusted.”

“I messaged her too.”Poppy Morgan joins us.“And I’m on a mission to find out who is spreading those lies about you.”

I’ve met Poppy once.At Bradford’s wedding.We talked for a total of five minutes, so I barely know her.I’ve heard she’s fierce and I don’t doubt it based on the look in her eye right now.“Thank you.I appreciate you girls taking my back.”

I don’t share what I know about the situation with them.I’ve spent a lot of time this afternoon thinking about it all and have concluded it must have been a perfect storm of Ryan trying to bring Hayden down and Penelope still spreading lies about me.I really don’t want to wade any further into the drama of Penelope Rush and have decided to let Hayden handle this now.However, I also spent time this afternoon starting a file on Penelope.I’m not sure yet what I would use it for, but having a file of every little thing I can discover about her life will surely come in handy one day.

Poppy comes to sit next to me.“You took Kristen’s back when she needed help.We’ve got you.”

“Is Charlize coming tonight?”Jenna asks Poppy.

“No.She’s currently sitting in a dentist’s chair.Probably being lectured on the importance of flossing,” Poppy says.

I give her a questioning look when Jenna and Kristen laugh.

Her expression is super serious.“Tell me you floss.”

“I do.Why?”

She releases a breath like I just told her I do something that will save my life.Before she can answer my question, Adeline Spencer walks into the room and drops her clutch onto the sofa next to Jenna.Looking at me, she says, “Boundaries around flossing are very important to Poppy.In her relationship, no flossing equals no blowjobs.”

A laugh bubbles out of me.“Seriously?”

“Yes,” Poppy says like it’s a boundary she believes everyone should have.

Bradford glances at Adeline.“I thought Jameson was coming.”

“Don’t get me started on that man,” Adeline says as she sits.“He’ll be lucky to sleep soundly tonight.”
