Page 98 of Yours Actually

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I laugh and touch her arm.“No, he’s right, Ingrid.I have been moody.And I really do need sleep.”

We say goodnight to everyone and Callan leads me to our bedroom.

“I don’t have the energy for sex tonight,” I say as I search for my pajamas.

“You can just sit on my face.I’ll do all the work.”

I roll my eyes.“Do you know how many core muscles that takes.Besides, we both know where you eating me out leads and it’s not to sleep.”

His arm is around my waist and his chest is pressed to my back faster than I can move away from him.“Next time you tell me we’re not having sex, don’t use words likeeating me out,” he growls against my ear.

And just like that, I’m suddenly awake.Smacking at his hands, I turn and reach into his shorts.“You need to get me off fast.”I stroke his dick, loving the hiss that falls from his lips.“And if you try to fuck me while I’m sleeping, there will be another mood for you, and it won’t be one that I’ll want to be put over your knee for.”

He strips me.“When the fuck have I tried to fuck you while you were sleeping?”

“Pretty much every morning.”I grip his hair while he buries his face in my tits.

He chuckles and lifts his face to mine while taking hold of my hips and pulling my body against his.“You’re fucking cute.”He kisses me.“You’re the one who wakes me up with your pussy to my dick, and then you turn that into me trying to fuck you while you’re sleeping?”He kisses me again, this time a lot rougher.“Keep it up, Ace, and see how fast I put you across my knee.”

“Just shut up and fuck me already.”

He shuts up and fucks me.

After, he pulls me close and murmurs, “We need to get away more often.”

I snuggle into his chest.“We need to get through a million weddings first.”

“We’re almost done.And then you’re all mine.”

* * *

We wake to rain.It’s light and soothing to my soul.And while I was looking forward to getting out for a hike, I’m happy to sit outside under cover with a tea and the mountain views.

The guys spend the morning fly fishing while Ingrid, Kristen, and I stay at the house we’ve rented.It’s a lovely few hours with the girls and by the time Callan returns with his dad and brothers, I’m feeling a lot lighter than I have all week.

Kristen and Bradford are on lunch duty and make us the yummiest burgers.I ask Kristen for the recipe while the guys discuss our plans for this afternoon.Thanks to the rain, our planned hike has to be canceled.

I glance around the table.“I thought we could play board games this afternoon instead of tonight.”

When Gage groans, Kristen looks at me, her lips twitching.

“Stop your groaning, Gage,” I say.“We all know you secretly love board games.”

Callan puts his arm across the back of my chair and chuckles.“What games are we playing?”

“Game,” Gage says, correcting him.

“I don’t know,” Hayden says, amusement in his eyes, “it looks like this rain has settled in.I think we could fit a few games in.”

I stand and begin gathering plates as I look at Gage.“I think you’re going to love the game I’ve selected.”

“I’m going to fucking love it once it’s finished.”

Bradford eyes him.“I’m making a note to buy Luna board games for Christmas.”

“Oh, I like your style,” I say.“I’m doing the same.”

Gage doesn’t say a word.He just shoots us both daggers.
