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Maya nods and grabs the stack of papers from her desk. She hands them to me and looks away to avoid any further eye contact.

"The heat has nothing on me. I'll be ready."

Atta girl.

Something about her fiery confidence does things to me. She's always up for every challenge instead of fighting me. It's refreshing.

"Great. Meet me in the lobby at 10 AM."

"See you then." She turns around and walks out of the room without another word. I can't help but smile as I watch her walk away. I shake my head and sit back down at my desk, trying to focus, but all I can think about is her. Her body, her intelligence...

She's 20 years younger than you, Hunter. Get ahold of yourself.

I take a deep breath and try to shake off the thoughts swirling around in my head. I have work to do and fantasizing about Maya isn't going to help me get any of it done.

* * *

We getinto the company limo and the driver shuts the door behind us. As we take a seat, my phone buzzes.

I grab it out of my pocket and see Kaitlyn's name flash across the screen with her picture. It makes me smile.

"Hey, sweetheart. What's up?"

"Hey, Dad! I was thinking we could catch a movie tomorrow night... There's one playing that you'd like too!"

I glance at my watch, then at my overflowing inbox, a pang of regret twisting in my gut. "I wish I could but..."

"But you're stuck with work, huh?" She finishes my sentence. Her tone is a cocktail of resignation and disappointment — a tone I've become too familiar with.

"Yes, Kaitlyn." I sigh, the stress seeping into my voice. "I've got a pile of paperwork taller than me waiting at the office."

She pauses for a moment before replying, "That's okay, Dad. Maybe next time." She hangs up, leaving me staring at my phone, feeling like the world's worst father.

Maya glances over at me, her brows furrowed in thought. “Hunter, can I ask you something... personal?”

I nod. “Sure.”

She hesitates, looking uncertain for a moment before plowing ahead. “It’s just, I’ve noticed that you’re always working. When do you take time for yourself? Or spend time with your family?”

She must have gotten the hint of what happened. She's not dumb.

I’m silent for a moment, considering my response. “I... Well, I guess I don’t have as much time as I’d like,” I admit, feeling a strange vulnerability creeping in.

“Is that something you want to change?”

No one has asked me that before. I have to think about it. "Maybe," I say finally. "I just... I don't know where the time goes."

Maya looks at me with an expression of understanding. “Life’s too short, Hunter. You should make the time. Kaitlyn adores you.”

It isn’t a reprimand, but it feels like a wake-up call. What she’s saying makes sense. It’s a little complicated and I don't know if she'll understand. So, I change the subject.

"Let me brief you on this meeting. We're running out of time and you'll need to know the details." I open my posture to her. “Maya, this meeting is vital. We're meeting with Theodore Bennett, one of the most powerful investors in Chicago. He's known for his cutthroat business practices."

Maya raises her eyebrows, "Theodore Bennett? The Forbes guy? Wow, sounds big."

"Huge... Bennett Industries has its hands in every major business sector in the city. If we manage to strike a deal with him, it could mean massive growth for our company."

"So, what do you need me to do?"
