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The marriage was a whirlwind of ups and downs, of happiness and heartbreak. My impulsiveness led to a messy divorce that left emotional and financial scars.

Now, as I stand here, staring at the empty spot where Maya stood moments ago, I can't help but wonder. Am I repeating the same mistake? Am I letting my desires override my judgment? Just like with my ex-wife, I didn't think about the long-term effects, about the possible fallout. I acted on impulse, and now it seems like I might pay the price again.

I pour myself a cup of steaming hot coffee.

How am I going to get myself out of this whole mess?

How am I going to get her out of this mess?

I run a hand through my hair, regret settling in my stomach. It's a bitter pill to swallow. I've always been a man of action, of impulses, but now I’m left questioning every decision that has led me to this point.

Maybe I need to end this with her. Maybe that will solve this all.

* * *

The next morning,I am at my desk, looking over the company's latest financial statements when I call Maya into my office to discuss numbers before a big meeting in a few hours.

She comes into the office on a rampage.

"Hunter, we need to rethink our strategy for the upcoming product launch."

The statement is totally off-topic and not something I want to deal with right now.

I glance up at her, my eyes lingering on her for a moment. "Maya, you're brilliant, but it's my decision. I've been in this business for longer than you."

"I know and that's why you hired me, isn't it? To bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table?"

I lean back, crossing my arms over my chest. "Yes, but at the end of the day, I'm still the boss. And this time, I need you to trust my judgment," I snap, struggling to keep my emotions in check. "Maya, you've got to listen to me. This isn't about fresh perspectives. I have other business I need you to take care of right now." My voice is stern, an unusual tone for me with her.

She recoils back, tears brimming in her eyes. "I'm not a child, Hunter. I deserve to be heard, not silenced by your 'experienced' ego!" Her voice shakes as she waves her hands passionately, her defenses crumbling.

"Hold on a minute, Maya," I say, uncrossing my arms and standing up. "This isn't like you. You're not usually so... emotional. What the fuck is going on?"

She inhales, looking away as a single tear spills down her cheek. "I... I'm just overwhelmed, okay?"

"Maya, if you don't talk to me, I can't help you."

"I just... I don't understand your lifestyle, Hunter!" she blurts out suddenly, catching me off guard. "All these high-end galas, absurdly expensive suits, and the endless power play. I... I can't keep up!"

She's pacing my office now, her slender form silhouetted against the morning sunlight streaming in through the large windows. "And then there's this job." She looks at me, her eyes filled with a blend of frustration and desperation. "I thought I'd love it. I thought it would be this amazing opportunity. And it is, I guess. But it's more work than I ever anticipated." She continues. "The stakes are so high, the expectations are constant, and the workload is just... It's overwhelming, Hunter. It's completely fucking overwhelming."

Where the fuck is all this coming from?

A memory flashes in my mind, withher.My ex-wife, a whirlwind of fiery passion and fierce independence, just like Maya. We used to work together, side by side. I remember one particular incident as if it were yesterday.

We were on the brink of securing a huge business deal, one that could have secured our company's future for years. Just as I was about to shake hands with our potential investors,sheburst into the room, her cheeks flushed and eyes ablaze. "Hunter, you can't do this!" she yelled, ignoring the shocked faces around the table.

Her emotions were raw and unchecked, her words running at full speed, derailing my carefully planned business deal.

Despite the professional setting, she allowed her personal beliefs to cloud her judgment, to bring her emotions into work. And her timing and execution were far from ideal. Our potential investors recoiled, their faces a blend of discomfort and shock. We lost the deal that day, and it wasn't the only time her heated outbursts cost us.

This flashback suddenly brings clarity. Maya's passionate outburst was eerily similar. The fear of history repeating itself creates a knot in my stomach, and I find myself wondering if Maya's intensity is a liability for the business.

I try to digest what she's unloaded on me. It's unexpected. I'd always seen her as this confident, self-assured woman who loved a challenge.

"You know, I thought you were different. I thought you could handle it. I guess I was wrong," I snap, the venom in my voice surprising even me. "Maybe you're just not cut out for this job or for this life. Maybe this was all a mistake."

She reels back, staring at me as though I've morphed into a monster. The hurt in her wide eyes is palpable. For a moment, she stands frozen, her lips trembling. Then she spins on her heel, fleeing my office with a sob as the door slams shut behind her.

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