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"I can't wait to meet our little troublemaker," I whisper, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Me too." She snuggles deeper into my chest. "I can't wait to see you as a dad."

"And I can't wait to see you as a mom."

In this moment, everything feels perfect.




The bell ringsand I pull the door open.

"Mom, you're early! We weren't expecting you till the evening." I pull her into a hug, then step aside to let her in.

"I'll take as much time with that little cutie as I can get." She sets her suitcase down and looks around. "Where is she?"

"She's with Kaitlyn right now." I lead the way to the nursery.

As we enter, Kaitlyn looks up from where she's playing with Madeline on the floor and grins. "Well, look who it is. The OG babysitter."

My mom laughs. "Nobody can out-babysit me, honey," she teases, moving to take Madeline in her arms. "I've been doing this since before you were born."

Kaitlyn smirks, crossing her arms. "Oh, it's on."

Hunter walks in, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Ladies, ladies, there's no need for a babysitting duel. There's enough Madeline to go around."

Mom laughs, bouncing Madeline in her arms. "Well, as long as I get to spend time with my granddaughter."

"And as long as we get to go on our vacation," I add, grinning up at Hunter.

"Our first vacation as just the two of us since this little one arrived."

I watch as Kaitlyn and my mom coo over Madeline. That little girl is so loved.

Life has been a whirlwind since Madeline was born — a beautiful, chaotic, love-filled whirlwind. Becoming parents has been the most rewarding, exhausting, and amazing experience of my life. It's been so fulfilling, hearing her babbling evolve into words. Her favorite seems to be ‘dada’ — to Hunter's delight and my jealousy.

Madeline is our world. Her energy is so sweet and her joy, contagious. She's got her father's eyes — mischievous and sparkling — and my fiery spirit, already evident in her pursuit of everything she sets her mind on.

But it's not just our lives Madeline has transformed. She's brought our families closer, turning gatherings into cherished times of bonding and creating memories.

Even Christy, Hunter's ex-wife, has settled down. She's with a new boyfriend, a really nice man, Marc. She finally found love again with him and he brought her the peace and stability she needed. She started joining in on family gatherings. And during one of them, Christy extended an olive branch to me. She took me aside, away from the noise and laughter, and apologized for her past actions. "I was bitter and angry," she said, her eyes reflecting sincerity. It was a turning point for all of us.

It's been especially good for Kaitlyn. Having her parents on good terms has brought a lightness to her. Her relationship with both her mom and dad is stronger than ever. It's as if she's finally allowed herself to relax, knowing that she doesn't have to choose sides or navigate tricky emotional waters.

Hunter has made the decision to cut down on his work. He hired a few new positions to help with what he was managing and he's just overall, relaxed a lot more.

Even with Madeline, I have insisted on staying involved with the company. Yes, I'm a mother now but I was a businesswoman first, and always will be at heart. I can juggle a baby, a business, endless spreadsheets, and still find time to enjoy my triple-shot espresso.

I love my family, but I also love the thrill of the boardroom. After all, I am Miss Independent.

Sure, there have been sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and the occasional tantrum (from both Madeline and me). But it's all been so fucking worth it.

We may be exhausted, but we are so, so happy.

* * *
