Page 18 of Monster's Past

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He meets my gaze and wiggles his ears back and forth.

A laugh escapes me. “Now they’re extra cute.”

“Then I’ll make sure to wiggle them more often for you,” he responds. “I like seeing you smile.”

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, feeling warm and fuzzy and all kinds of other things that I can’t name.

“And your hair is really beautiful like this.”

“Thank you.” My response comes out quieter than I mean it to be.

A sound outside the classroom makes both of us jump.

“I think it might be time to get back to the dorms.” He gets to his feet and grabs the mugs, making his way over to the sink.

I nod. “Probably.” As much as I’m enjoying myself, I know I need to sleep. And preferablynotget into too much trouble for being out of bed after hours. At least that will only happen if we get caught. Though there’s still time for that.

I get up and smooth my t-shirt down, suddenly feeling a little exposed that it’s all I’ve been wearing since he found me in the courtyard. I must have looked like some kind of ghost coming towards him. At least he doesn’t seem upset about it.

I make my way over to where he’s standing, only for Cethin to turn around at the same time, bringing us surprisingly close together.

Neither of us moves. My gaze meets his and there’s something entrancing about the way he’s looking at me, as if we’re caught in a moment that neither of us wants to end.

He clears his throat and pulls away. “We should get going.”

“Your blazer...”

“Give it back to me tomorrow,” he responds as he grabs his bag and heads to the door of the classroom. “It’s cold and it’s still a while until you’re back in your dorm.”

I nod.

“Do you know the way back?”

“I know my way around the academy now,” I assure him.

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He disappears before I can say anything else.

I stand in the middle of the classroom, somewhat confused by what just happened. We were having a good conversation, and it was even bordering on flirty, but then he just shut it down and ran away when we got close together.

I let out a sigh. I guess I’ll probably find out what that’s about at some point. I just hope it’s not going to make things weird between us in class.



The dining hallis buzzing with chatter, though I don’t know how when it’s so early in the morning. I rub my eyes, trying not to let the lost sleep of the past few nights get to me too much. At least there hasn’t been any more sleepwalking. Or if there has, it’s only led me back to my bed.

“I like your hair,” Nati says, reminding me that I’m not coming to breakfast alone.

“Thanks.” I touch the loose strands of silver-white, trying not to feel the familiar surge of self-consciousness that comes with them. I know I could message Mum and ask her for another potion to dye it, but I don’t see the point if it’s just going to turn back to its natural shade every time I have a dream.

Especially as they seem to be happening every single night now. Which means that it’s time to embrace my natural colour.

I catch sight of Cethin across the room, and he looks up, as if he can feel me watching.

Without fully realising what I’m doing, I wave to him. He returns the gesture, making my heart skip a beat.

“Eurgh, could you bemoreobvious,” Nati mutters. “Come on, I’m starving and the gluten-free croissants are surprisingly good.”
