Page 45 of Monster's Past

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She gives me a knowing look. “Yes. But not the kind you’re insinuating.”

“So nothing vivid?”

“Oh, it was very vivid,” she responds. She looks to the front where the professor is going through copious amounts of information surrounding locking charms.

I try to focus on what the professor is saying, but I can’t help my mind from wandering and wondering what Anja dreamt about.

“You were the star,” she says when there’s the perfect break for a conversation.

“I hope I was good.”

“Very.” She grins. “It definitely gave me some ideas.”

“I look forward to finding out more about them.”

She gives me a look that makes me certain there are fun things in our future.

Though maybe we’ll skip the classroom next time.



I groanand rub my temples, already wondering how I’m going to be able to cope with Familiar Training as well as everything else.

I look up, unsurprised to find Thistle soaring above me. I don’t think she’s ever going to stop going off and doing her own thing, but she’s definitely keeping an eye on me more.

“We need to go back up to the academy,” I say to the sky.

She caws loudly.

“Oh, shhh,” I tell her. “You’re the one who is making me go through all of this.” Even from this distance, I see her give me a look and she flies off.

“You’ll get used to it,” Nati promises.

I jump, not having expected to find my friend here. “What are you...”

“The snakes count as familiars,” she responds. “Or they do to an extent. I’m not sure I buy it myself, but they’re magically attached to me, so I suppose it counts.”

I frown. “I think that makes sense?”

“It doesn’t really. Are you ready to head to the dining room? I’m always starving after Familiar Training.”

“What did they make you do?” I ask.

“Oh, just the normal stuff about controlling the snakes so they don’t eat people.”

“Is that likely?” I adjust the strap of my bag over my shoulder so it doesn’t dig in as much.

“Only if they don’t like you. But you’re safe.”

“I feel totally reassured.”

Nati lets out a bemused laugh and sets off towards the academy. “So what did you do?”

“Just bonding stuff. They won’t let me do anything else until I’ve mastered my bond with Thistle.”

“She seems pretty bonded to me,” Nati responds, watching as the raven swoops down and lands on my shoulder.
