Page 38 of Tethered Magick

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More venom surged into my gums and ached in my fangs, and I couldn’t control myself as it flooded into Dason.

“Yes,” he hissed, and his head fell back to rest against the wall. Short, dark hair abraded my cold fingers as I ran them over his head, enjoying the close shave. I cupped the back of his head and held him still, drawing slowly from his neck.

His blood was so warm against my tongue, like hot chocolate after being outside in the snow, and just as comforting. Without the bond between us, I couldn’t feel what Dason felt, but the scent, as well as the taste, of his blood called to me just the same. It didn’t matter what Mara had meant to do to our bond, Dason was still mine, and I’d always be his.

Dason hadn’t hesitated to save me, to give me life, even though he chanced death to do it. Relationships had been built on far less. I’d always wanted my surly alpha, and now it felt like something pivotal had shifted between us. I wouldn’t let him go after this. I’d fight for him, for us, and for the pack we needed to recreate together.

There was no going back to our version of normal after this. For either of us.

“That’s it, little mate, take what you need from your alpha,” Dason murmured, eyes closed as more venom flowed into his body. “Fuck,” he moaned, and his hips bucked against my center.

Gray magick tingled over my skin as he recharged and worked to heal himself, using my magick to bolster his own. Together, we kept each other alive.

The length of his hard cock rested between my thighs and pressed against my center with the smallest movement. Every arch of his hips drove me mad, my overly sensitive skin feeling each graze, even through our clothing.

My need for him was insatiable, from the blood flowing over my tongue to his hard arousal. His pheromones were thick in the air, adding to the haze of lust, sex, and hunger.

Rational thought died away, and I justfelt.

I pressed my body against his, grinding my pussy down on his lap, reveling in the grunt he released.

Large hands slid to my ass and gripped hard. His fingers dug into my flesh, even through my jean shorts, and his fingertips played along the bare skin of my upper thighs.

That small touch was like fireworks exploding along my nerve endings. It waseverywhere—on my breasts, my nipples, my clit. It tingled through me until he stroked again, eliciting the same response.

I moaned against his throat, unwilling to retract my fangs. My stomach appealed for more blood while my body clamored for sex.

I needed more.

Another tugging pull of blood was met with more released venom. I didn’t know how to stop the flow without pulling away, and I couldn’t do that. My body and my desires wouldn’t let me.

In the back of my mind, I warned myself to be careful, but the voice was small, not nearly loud enough.

Dason’s muscles tensed as he devoured more of my magick, the shuddering groan that slipped from his lips making my pussy clench. Did drinking my magick feel as erotic for him as drinking his blood did for me?

With his grip on my ass, he rocked me over his cock, creating incredible friction on my clit.

“Yes, Lorn!” he cried, his words rumbling up his throat. I hummed against his skin, flowing with the rhythm he created with our bodies.

One of my hands left his head and traveled over his body. The lines of his chest were hard under my palm, and I followed the contours of his muscles, scraping my nails over his pecs and hardened nipples.

My stomach coiled with the desire, and my nerves thrummed wildly as he canted his hips. My panties were damp, and the scent of our arousal hung in the air like heady perfume.

“Good girl,” he purred, sounding stronger already. The smooth timbre of his voice had dropped to a husky note that made my thighs clench around his waist.

A keening cry escaped my throat, and blood trickled out of the corner of my mouth to dribble down my chin. I wanted to chase it and lick it up, not wanting to waste a single drop, but I didn’t pull away from his neck, greedy for more of his essence on my tongue.

“Uh,” Dason grunted as I sucked, swallowing another mouthful.

I was so wet for him. The taste of his blood in my mouth added to my lust, and I drank freely, taking what I wanted from his body.

His hips rocked furiously as more venom washed into his veins, and his hands gripped me tightly. I wouldn’t be surprised if I had marks by the time we were done, but I wanted the bruises. We were primal in our intensity, raw and savage.

“Oh God,” Dason groaned. “L-Lorn,” he stammered, “slow down. Little mate, I’m gonna… I’m… Oh, f-fuck!”

Dason slammed me against him, rutting his cock against my pussy through our clothing.

His next groan was hoarse and low as he came for me. I was so close, just a little more and…
