Page 84 of Tethered Magick

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Taking her hands, I helped her do the sign for ‘horny,’ and she blushed when she realized it was just one smooth sweep of her hand downward instead of the up and down motion she’d done.

“W-What did the other one mean?” She repeated the sign, and I laughed silently, pulling her flush to my chest, cradling her through my chuckles.

“You said you were horny, firecracker.” Jolon was smug as he popped a strawberry into his mouth.

Lorn was mortified for a second, but it cleared quickly enough. “It’s not incorrect,” she muttered quietly. “You try being a woman in a house full of sexy men who like to tempt you with kisses, sweatpants, and no shirts.”

“Are you feeling needy, baby?” Jolon purred, his light blue eyes flashing with heat. “Because we’d love to take care of you if you’ll let us. You set the rules. There’s no pressure, and absolutely no obligation, but we’ve been dying for you, mate.”

My large palms were stroking up and down her back, grazing her ass before running back up her spine, and her arousal spiked.

Touching Lorn’s mouth, I brought my fingers to my neck, offering myself for her gratification.

Her attention was zeroed in on the column of my throat, then she held my face between her palms and dragged her focus to my eyes to make sure I was truly okay with this. In answer, I gripped the back of her head and guided her to my neck. She gasped, shuddering in my hold.

Seemed my small mate liked things a little rough and dominant. I could easily give that to her. I’d be whatever she needed.

Lorn’s fangs sank into my neck and I groaned, one of the only sounds I could make. T’s, P’s, and S’s were easier to form, relying more on my tongue than my ruined vocal cords, but I did the best I could with what I had left to work with.

At over six feet tall, it took a few injections of her venom to have me strung tighter than a guitar string. Each pull on my neck felt like her lips were wrapped around my thick cock, and I fought the urge to grind her down on my lap. Lasting past a few minutes was a necessity during my first time with Lorn, but damn if she didn’t try to drain both my blood and my cock in one fell swoop.

The moans she released against my throat had my hands massaging her ass, and she began to rock over me, her leggings allowing me to grind easily into her center.

Extracting her fangs, she panted against me with newly flushed cheeks that were rosier than I’d seen since she returned back to us as part vampire.

“My Lorn.” I tried to whisper her name, the sound nothing but a hoarse, incomplete rasp of sound that wouldn’t form.

I balled her clothes in my fists, but Lorn was having none of it. She wound her arms around my neck after licking the wounds she’d made, healing them as though they’d never been there and sealing her venom in to continue its seductive trail through my veins.

“Any sound you give me is a gift, Syler. And someday, I’ll be able to hear you in my mind. And even if that never happens, I promise to learn to sign so we can talk. I’ll do anything to have you in my life, big guy.” Tiny fingers wove into my hair and held on tight as she had her way with my mouth, sucking kiss after kiss while she rubbed her core against the steel in my jeans.

My dick was hard enough to pound rocks. Overwhelmingly strong, my need for Lorn only grew with each airy gasp she gifted me.

Without asking, I hooked my fingers into her waistband and waited for her to stop me. When she didn’t, I dragged them down her ass, and together we maneuvered her until they were off completely, leaving her beautiful pussy covered in nothing but a red scrap of lace.

“Fucking torture,” Jolon murmured, coming up behind her and tugging at her shirt. The summer air cooled in the evening, and it caressed Lorn’s skin as Jolon divested her of the button-down and tank she wore, leaving her in a matching red bra.

Lorn took my hands and placed them on her stomach, guiding them up until her breasts plumped in my large palms. Her flesh was soft and supple behind the lace, and I wanted to pull the pretty nipples pebbling behind her bra into my mouth. I wondered if each draw on her nipples would shoot directly to her sensitive little clit.

I was ready to experiment. To learn. To perfect.

Taking Lorn with me, I laid back on the blanket, and she squeaked as I shifted her, grabbing her ass and dragging her until she straddled my chest instead. She fell forward, propping herself on either side of me with straight arms.

“What are you doing?” Lorn’s heart sped up, pounding with excitement. From what I’d heard from my other packmates, Lorn was a very willing lover, yet it was obvious she didn’t have a ton of experience. It suited me just fine, I never wanted to think about her with anyone other than my packmates and me. She was ours to please, love, and protect.

Jolon slid down the wall, giving himself a perfect view. He winked at me as he popped the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper, hissing in relief as he freed his impressive cock.

Lorn practically drooled, her mouth hanging open in awe as she watched the salacious show.

Our little mate isn’t used to our sexual antics. We need to take it slow,I warned Jolon.

Says the one about to make her sit on his face. His eyes narrowed in challenge.

Turning back to Lorn, Jolon translated for me.

“Look at Syler, Lorn,” he ordered, and it took her a minute to drag her hooded gaze back to my face. It looked like we’d already overloaded her brain. She was just along for the ride, but I promised to make it one she’d never forget.

I slowly slid her up my body until her thighs were around my ears.
