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Julia rolled her eyes. “They’re my chaperones this evening.”

Luckily, Pack Silver had no idea who Julia’s family was and wouldn’t suspect anything amiss about her brothers attending the gala, if they even spotted them amid the sea of guests.

I dipped slightly, giving them a polite greeting that didn’t involve me offering a hand or any form of physical touch. The growls in my ear were already on edge. It wouldn’t be smart to antagonize my mates more than this entire charade already did. I wouldn’t give them any reason to expose themselves prematurely.

“I recognize you from the beach house in Maine,” Dimitri said. “But it’s nice to officially meet you.”

“You as well.” I kept my tone distant, yet polite.

“Everyone is staring,” Julia muttered with a wrinkle of her nose.

“Good.” I nodded through my apprehension, refusing to look around to verify if what she said was true. I kept my shoulders squared and my chin held high.

Don’t let them see your fear.

This night couldn’t be over soon enough.

“I should be used to it as an unmated Omega,” Julia admitted, “but damn. All these Alphas are intense.”

“We should never have agreed to let you come tonight,” Dimitri scolded, looking mad at himself, but mostly at his sister for working her charm on him. I had a feeling as the baby in the family, she got her way more often than not.

“Pfft. Like I would have let you leave me behind when my friend needed me.”

“Godsdamn,” Tommas rasped, leaning closer and setting off another chain of growls in my earpiece. “I think your scent is bleeding through the blockers.”

Blood drained from my face. “Is it bad?” I inhaled deeply, but all that did was overwhelm me with the scent ofAlpha.

I had to admit, Julia’s brothers smelled good. Not nearly as good as my men, but they weren’t repulsive like half the other smells swirling in the room. I caught a mixture of sandalwood, honey, leather, and mint. I had no doubt if they registered with the OMA, an Omega would snatch them right up—mafia ties be damned.

“This isn’t good…”Leo hedged.

“Who’s closest?”Hades demanded.

“On it!”

“There is positivelynothingbad about your scent,” Tommas responded suavely. Gaze hooded, he dragged in another hit of it. “It’s not too strong, butfuck—”

“Are you feeling alright?” Giovanni asked, concern knitting his brow. “You’re looking a little—”

“Pink,” Mars finished.

He was right. The warmth from earlier hadn’t dissipated, and the blaze I felt in my cheeks had most likely left them rosy. I pressed my hands against them, and my fingers felt cool in comparison.

“Gio! Mars! You’re not helping,” Julia snapped, smacking her brothers with the back of her hand, one after the other. “And I could say the same for you.” She whacked Tommas next.

Tommas rubbed his chest absently with a sheepish expression. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re stunning…”

“How would a woman take that the wrong way? It’s a compliment.” Dimitri arched an eyebrow at his brother.

“It doesn’t matter how she takes it because she’staken, you nitwits,” Julia bit out. “Gods, I never should have agreed to let you be my chaperones tonight.”

Giovanni smirked. “I don’t see any bite marks.”

Snarls of rage tore through my ears, making me wince. “Julia’s right. I’m taken. And this isn’t helping anything.”

The surrounding men stiffened a moment before someone shoved their way through their tight circle

“Heathens. All of you.” A masculine voice grumbled before I was tapped on the shoulder.
