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“You were worried,” Knox commented, rather than asked.

Could he read the anxiety on my face? The tension that had tightened my otherwise languid muscles?

“It’s silly.”

He tucked a lock of my hair back, murmuring, “If it bothered you, it’s not silly. Everything you feel is important to me, Sunshine. I won’t leave again. I only went to get you this.”

Gently, lovingly, he spread my thighs and cleaned the glistening mess they’d all made. The cloth tenderly abraded my skin, stoking the burning embers of my heat, before he discarded it off to the side.

“Knox.” His name was a hoarse command.

“Where do you want to bite me, Sunshine?”

I rolled into him, both of us lying on our sides facing each other. Shimmying down, I didn’t wait, branding him with a mark right above his heart.

The rough pads of Knox’s fingers ran adoringly over the light wound, and he stared at me with no small amount of awe, experiencing the extent of my affection and devotion.

“Now you know everything,” I murmured, gazing up at him, memorizing every facet of his astonished, wonder-struck expression.

“Fuck, Demi. It’s so much more than I dared to hope for.”

Knox slid down my body until his nose practically nuzzled my center. Grabbing my knee, he lifted my leg up and plunged his teeth into my inner thigh.

The last connection snapped into place, sending bright, glittering light bursting behind my closed lids. I gasped, throwing a hand over my heart as the intensity of our completed pack bonds wove together. Those individual strands became stronger together, forging into something unbreakable.

Tears slipped from my eyes as a sense of peace and undeniable rightness stole through me.

Suddenly, my entire pack was there, surrounding me, touching me, kissing and worshiping every inch of my skin. Their love sang through my mind and resounded in my heart.

Purrs built in their chests and the comforting burr lulled me into decadent relaxation. I fell into it, taking the small reprieve my heat gave me now that I’d had them all.

“Your ours. Our Omega,” Jamison declared.

Shocking my mates who hadn’t yet heard it, my own purr rumbled to life, adding an extra layer to the contentment and happiness I knew they could feel. It radiated outward like an ever-growing ripple, starting small and growing until it turned into an unstoppable wave. Their answering joy warmed me from the inside out.

A few months ago, I never could have imagined this would be my life; proud to be an Omega, free, with a pack of my own. But now that I had them, I was never letting them go.

“My pack. My family. My home,” I murmured, snuggling down in their warm embrace. “Just…mine.”




I wavedto the last patron, tucking away the money they’d pressed into my hand as I watched them carry off their newly acquired painting.

“Damn, Honey. You really cleaned up.” Leo gazed around my nearly empty booth, pride shining in his silver-blue eyes.

I threw my arms out and swung in a slow circle, careful not to move too fast, and set off a wave of queasiness.

“Gods, I was nervous, but it went so much better than I expected.” I beamed.

When Jamison first suggested I sell my artwork at the annual Maverick Falls fair, I was skeptical that anyone would buy one of my paintings. But with my men’s encouragement, I took a leap of faith, shelled out the vendor fee, and spent the last two months painting my ass off so I had enough stock to sell.

Selling one painting would have been incredible, but my entire collection? I was still registering the miracle.

Thane caught me in a hug, kissing me thoroughly before gracing me with a wide, bright smile. “Once again, the Fates are on your side.”
