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After everything I’d been through, it was ingrained in me to expect the worst. Sometimes I woke at night absolutely terrified it would all vanish before my eyes.

It had taken a good therapist to realize that kind of reaction had become ingrained after years of abuse, but it was something I was working on. Thankfully, my men were endlessly patient and often understood my insecurities and fears thanks to the bonds that allowed us to feel echoes of each other’s emotions.

Even now, they surrounded me, letting their purrs grow until they blanketed me in comfort.

“I shouldn’t have doubted,” I whispered. “It’s just that I know this changes everything.”

“For the better,” Jamison rumbled, still on his knees before me, his thumbs still moving in wide strokes over my skin.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers playing in the hair at his nape as I gazed down into his sapphire-colored eyes. With a deep breath, I released any tendril of doubt I had left and let his utter faith that everything would be alright wash over me. As I’d done endless times before, I borrowed his strength and promised I’d do my best to emulate him.

Faith took daring confidence. It was taking that first step when you couldn’t see the ground through the fog. It was holding onto the light when all you felt was darkness. It was knowing the storm would end, even as wind whipped around you and thunder cracked overhead. It was believing in the rainbow that would color the sky afterward.

Faith wasn’t easy, but nothing in life worth having ever was.

Thanks to new friends and faithful allies, Pack Silver had disappeared for good, unable to torture any other Omegas. After days of Felix’s tireless hacking, he’d eventually found hidden logs Anton had kept from each auction detailing every sale. With the help of the FBI, Pack Jacobs had extracted every woman who’d been sold, arresting the packs that had taken part in the illegal acquisition of Omegas.

Each one of us had been saved and given a second chance at life, and I wouldn’t waste it.

The residents of Maverick Falls had welcomed me with open arms. The gym and the restaurant were all thriving, despite the time my men had spent away, dedicated to keeping me safe. My small painting studio had taken off. And now we were pregnant, expecting a little bundle of joy in seven months.

So, yes. Today, I chose faith. I chose to believe in happily ever afters, and this new little life marked the beginning of ours.

Resounding love and excitement colored the bonds, filling my chest with contentment.

“We have something for you,” Knox whispered, digging into his pocket and pulling out a small box.

“We bought it today and were planning to give it to you when we got home later, but I think this is the perfect moment,” Thane took the box from Knox, then passed it to Hades.

“We love you so damn much,” my gentle giant murmured, kissing the top of my head as he passed the box to Leo.

“You’re already mine, Honey,” Leo said, then smiled mischievously. “No take-backs,” he mirrored the words I’d uttered to him after our bonding. “But this is a little something extra to remind you how much we adore you.”

I tried to protest. “You guys didn’t have to do anything.”

“Shh, Love,” Eli soothed. “Let us spoil you a little.”

I arched a brow at him. “You spoil me every day.”

“Good. Then we’re doing something right,” he grinned and passed the box to Jamison, who leaned in and kissed my belly one more time before pulling back enough to gaze up at me.

“Demi Leigh, our Little Omega,” Jamison rumbled. “I can’t begin to tell you how much I love you. There aren’t enough words to describe the feeling that lives in my chest every waking moment.” He pushed a burst of love through the bond, stealing my breath all over again from the strength of it. “What I do know is that a lifetime of loving you will never be enough. You’re sweet and smart and so damn giving, and you’re going to make the most amazing mother. You already wear each of our marks, but we’re greedy and want more.” He flipped open the box, and I gasped.

There, lying in a sea of dark velvet, was a rose gold band with seven brilliant diamonds. Each one was encased in a scalloped millgrain beaded border. It had a distinct vintage look, though it sparkled as if it were brand new.

“There’s a diamond for each of us,” Thane whispered.

“Though the middle stone is larger than the others,” Eli added. “It represents you, at our center.”

“We want you to be ours in every way,” Hades purred, wrapping his arms around my middle gently.

Leo’s fingers brushed against my wrist, directly over his mark. “Right down to your last name.”

Jamison took the ring from its nest and set the empty box down.

“What do you say, Sunshine?” Knox asked hopefully.

Jamison held up the ring, taking my right hand in his. “Will you marry us, Demi Leigh?”
